{ "": "", " ": "", "account-tokens": { "app-consume": "PLATFORM", "app-consumee": "PLATFORMS", "available": "Available", "available-bono": "Bonuses Available", "bono-table": "VOUCHER ", "bonos-table": "VOUCHERS ", "bonus-consumption": "BONUS", "credits-consume": "MIABytes Consumption", "date-column": "LAST USE", "documents": "Documents", "documents-bono": "Bonus Documents", "end": "End", "endpoint": "URL", "endpoint-consume": "ENDPOINT", "endpoint-consumption": "ENDPOINT", "init": "Start", "month-consume": "MONTH", "monthly-consumption": "MONTHLY", "no-data": "No data found", "period-suscription": "Subscription Period", "platform-consumption": "PLATFORM", "refresh": "Refresh", "spent": "Spent", "spent-bono": "Bonuses Spent", "spent-column": "SPENT", "token-consumption": "TOTAL MIABytes", "tokens-consume": "MIABytes Consumption", "tokens-spent": "MIABytes SPENT", "total": "Totals", "total-bono": "Total Bonuses", "type-consume": "DETAIL", "user-consume": "USER", "user-consumption": "USER", "users": "USERS" }, "add_section": { "add": "Add section", "place": "Place", "placeholder_title": "Section title", "title": "Title" }, "app_subject": { "application": "Application", "associate_apps": "Associate apps and subjects", "associate_lang": "Associate to languages", "associated_app": "Associated applications", "associated_classif": "Associated classifiers", "associated_classif_2": "Associate classifiers with languages", "associated_lang": "Associated languages", "associated_matters": "Associated matters", "back": "Back", "doc": "", "error_2": "", "grc_assigned": "You must have assigned GRC and at least one associated language. Modify the previous steps and save the changes.", "loading_apps": "Loading applications and associated matters...", "loading_classif": "Loading associated classifiers...", "loading_lang": "Loading associated languages...", "next": "Next", "not_associated_app": "Not associated applications", "not_associated_lang": "Not associated languages", "not_associated_matters": "Not associated matters", "not_saved": "Unsaved changes", "not_saved_question": "There are changes that have not been saved. Do you want to continue without saving the changes?", "repo": "", "saving_apps": "Saving apps and associated matters...", "saving_classif": "Saving associated classifiers...", "saving_lang": "Saving associated languages...", "select_app": "There must be at least one associated application. Select one and save the changes", "select_classificator": "Select classifier for language", "used": "In use" }, "common": { "accept": "Accept", "allowed_file_types": "Allowed file types", "analyzed_folders": "Analyzed folders:", "associated_account": "Associate accounts with Apps", "better_search": "You need to refine the search, more than 100 records found...", "bottom_text_1": "© Ecuaciones legales S.L.U.", "bottom_text_2": "Contact", "bottom_text_3": "Privacy and Terms", "buy": "Buy", "buy-voucher": "Buy voucher", "cancel": "Cancel", "change_logo": "Change logo", "change_logo_partner": "Change partner logo", "change_logo_user": "Change user logo", "changed_logo_account": "Changed account logo", "close": "Close", "continue": "Continue", "credits": "MIAbytes", "credits-in-vouchers": "MIAbytes in vouchers", "empty": "", "exit": "Exit", "file_size": "File size cannot exceed 1 GB", "generic_error": "An error occurred, please try again later", "go_init": "Go to init", "news-modal": "News", "news_title": "Getting Started", "nodata": "No data has been found", "not_available": "Not available", "not_found": "Oops, it seems we couldn't find the content you're looking for. (404 error)", "not_show_message": "Do not show this message again", "positive_already": "There is already a result marked as positive", "prototype_info_1": "To access the legal reviewer testing prototype you must:", "prototype_info_2": "Have an ENTERPRISE account in MIAbogado, and access the prototype through the Legal Reviewer (beta) menu item.", "reason": "Reason", "reason_2": "Please enter a reason for this result", "remove_logo": "Remove logo", "remove_logo_question": "Are you sure you want to remove the logo of: ", "removed_logo": "Logo removed successfully", "removing_logo": "Removing logo", "return": "Return", "risks": { "high": "High", "low": "Low", "medium": "Medium", "very_high": "Very High" }, "search_document": "To search for a document, press Enter", "server_error": "Oops, it seems something went wrong while connecting to the servers. Please check your internet connection and/or try again in a few minutes.", "subject": "Subject", "terms": "Terms and Conditions", "upload_account": "Upload account logo", "upload_error": "Failed to update the file", "upload_file": "Upload file", "upload_files": "Upload files", "upload_files_disabled_while_active_execution": "Upload files disabled while active executions", "upload_logo": "Upload logo", "upload_logo_partner": "Upload partner logo", "upload_logo_success": "Logo uploaded successfully", "upload_logo_user": "Upload user logo", "uploading_logo": "Uploading logo", "vouchers": "Vouchers", "wrong_extension": "Unsupported file extension: " }, "compliance_matrix": { "open_in_editor": "Open in editor", "open_in_viewer": "Open in viewer", "vise": "Review" }, "confirmation": { "yes": "Yes" }, "control_article": { "actual_model": "- Current model: ", "algorithm_version": "An updated version of the algorithm exists", "article": "Article:", "article_text": "Article text:", "average_impact": "Average economic impact:", "control": "Control", "doc_type": "Document type", "economic_impact": "Economic impact:", "hyphen": " - ", "info_extended_1": "Extended information on the legal concept", "info_extended_2": "Extended information about the legal concept", "info_extended_3": "Extended information about the article", "info_message": "In general these are minor changes that do not affect the analysis result. This message is for informational purposes only.", "max_sanction": "Maximum sanction:", "mitigation": "Mitigation weight: ", "model_classif": "The classification model has been revised.", "model_used": "- Model used for analysis:", "models_used": "Models used", "norm": "Norm:", "normative": "Normative", "normative_matrix": "Regulatory Risk Matrix", "outdated_info": "This may cause outdated information. It is recommended that you rescan the documents to ensure that you apply all the latest changes.", "review_doc": "Review associated document types", "review_doc_analyzed": "Review analyzed documents", "review_docs": "review documents", "revise_doc": "Check associated document types", "revise_doc_analyzed": "Check analyzed documents", "revise_docs": "check documents", "risk": "Risk", "risk_2": " | RISK: ", "rol_admin": "To do this, with the administrator role you must go to Menu > Repositories, locate the repository for which you need to perform the update and use the “+ New execution” button", "sanctions_number": "Number of sanctions:", "sanctions_total": "Total sanctions:", "threat": "Threat: ", "threat_level": "Threat level:", "total_control": "Total control:", "update": "Update", "version": "Version: ", "vulnerability": " | Vulnerability: " }, "credit_vouchers": { "payment_error": "An error occurred during payment generation.", "purchase_prov": "Initiating secure payment process. Please fill in the payment details below to complete your purchase." }, "dashboard": { "column": { "date": "Date", "doc": "Doc", "doc_large": "Analyzed Docs", "email": "Email", "last": "Last", "name": "Name", "name_repo": "Repository Name", "repo": "Repository", "role": "Role", "type": "Type" } }, "dashboard_account": { "analyzed_docs": "Analyzed Docs", "date": "Date", "doc": "Doc", "email": "Mail", "end_date": "Select End Date", "filter_from": ". Filtered from ", "last_login": "Last login", "name_repo": "Repository Name", "new_search": "New search", "not_repo": "There are no repositories", "pending_exec": "Pending executions analyze statistics: ", "repo": "Repository", "restore": "Restore", "rol": "", "role": "role", "select_date": "Select Start Date", "statistics_data": "Statistical data updated since ", "statistics_exec": "EXECUTION STATISTICS", "statistics_repo": "STATISTICS BY REPOSITORY", "to": "al", "total_exec": "Total executions/documents: ", "total_repo": "Total repositories / documents: ", "total_users": "Total users: " }, "dialog": { "new": "add new sharepoint" }, "documentation": { "compliance": "Compliance", "technical": "Technical documentation" }, "editor": { "error": { "emptyTitle": "Document title cannot be empty", "repeatedPreamble": "There are 2 preambles, we proceed to eliminate one of them", "repeatedSectionTitle": "There cannot be 2 sections with the same name: {{section}}, we change the last one to {{newSectionTitle}}", "repeatedSectionTitlePart": " (part II)", "sectionEmptyTitle": "No section title can be empty" }, "info": { "cancelsections": "We cancel the following calls to MIA to generate sections except the current one", "repeatedSections": "There were sections with the same title: {{repeatedSectionsName}}, the title of the repetitions has been changed by adding them (part II)" }, "listdocuments-deleted": { "accept": "Accept", "cancel": "Cancel", "continue": "The document will be recovered. do you wish to continue?", "delete": "Delete document", "delete-document": "Delete document", "deleted-document": "The document will be deleted. This action is irreversible. Do you want to continue?", "deleted-document-correctly": "Deleted document", "deleting-document": "Deleting document", "deleting-document-correctly": "The document has been successfully deleted.", "document-recovered": "The document has been successfully recovered.", "recover": "Recover", "retrieving-document": "Retrieving document", "title": "Deleted" }, "listdocuments-tab": { "title": "Documents list" }, "listdocuments-templates": { "clone": "Clone", "create-template": "Create template", "templates-create": "Do you want to create a new template in the smart editor?", "templates-created": "Template created", "templates-creating": "Creating template", "title": "My templates", "title-swal": "Templates" }, "listdocuments-uploaded": { "showLoadingMessage": "Uploading document", "title": "Uploaded", "uploaded-document": "Upload document" }, "listdocuments": { "button": { "cancel": "Cancel", "delete": "Delete", "open": "Open" }, "table": { "columns": { "document": "Document", "lastedition": "Last edition", "options": "Options", "status": "Status", "user": "User" } }, "title": "Drafted by MIA" }, "loading_section": "AI generating the requested content. Wait a few seconds …", "no_document": { "sentence": { "five": "From the structure, you can add prompts for each section of the document and use the + button to tell MIA to generate the content.", "four": "MIA will then generate the structure of this document in the smart editor.", "one": "How to use the MIA smart editor?", "three": "“Write me a treatment commission contract applying European privacy legislation”", "two": "In the initial view, ask MIA to draft the legal document you need so that MIA generates its structure in the editor. For example, try saying " } }, "preamble": { "name": "Preamble", "placeholder": "You can write the instructions you consider for the preamble of the document and use the GENERATE (+) button so that the artificial intelligence writes it ..." }, "section": { "placeholder": "You can write the instructions you consider for this section of the document and use the GENERATE (+) button for the artificial intelligence to write it" } }, "experts_dialog": { "loading_matters": "Loading matters...", "matters": "Matters", "modify_expert": "Modify Expert", "save": "Save", "saving_expert": "Saving expert..." }, "extraction_criteria": { "cancel": "Cancel", "check": "Extract", "checking": "Checking", "correct": "Correct", "delete": "Delete", "edit": "Edit", "error": "Error", "error_criteria": "ERROR: The criteria you are trying to eliminate does not match.", "error_delete_criteria": "An error occurred while deleting the criterion", "exclusionary": "Exclusive", "exclusionary_level": "If the document fails to comply with an exclusionary criterion, it will automatically be set to a VERY LOW compliance level (0.00%).", "extraction": "Extraction Criteria", "extraction_requirement": "Extraction requirement", "info_extraction": "Indicate in a simple and specific way the field, value or text that must be extracted from the document. Ex: Extract the name and surname of the person who signs the contract.", "ko": "NOT COMPLIANT", "manage-extraction-criteria": "Extraction criteria management", "management": "Extraction criteria management", "mandatory": "*Mandatory field", "ok": "COMPLETE", "save": "Save", "success_delete": "Criteria successfully deleted", "title_criteria": "Title of the criterion" }, "frequent_questions": { "q_1": "What is MIAbogado?", "q_10": "Can I cancel my subscription at any time?", "q_11": "What sets MIAbogado apart from other legal services?", "q_12": "What technologies and data sources has MIAbogado been trained with?", "q_13": "Does MIAbogado use ChatGPT? How is the processing of confidential data and information done?", "q_14": "Are you still updating / retraining?", "q_15": "What security certifications do you currently have?", "q_16": "What subjects does it work in?", "q_17": "What repositories can the tool analyze? Is there any client-side agent required to collect information?", "q_18": "How is ChatGPT different from MIAbogado?", "q_2": "How can I access the free trial version?", "q_3": "How is the knowledge embedded in MIAbogado treated?", "q_4": "To what extent does MIAbogado act as a lawyer? What are the risks of its use for legal professionals?", "q_5": "Does MIAbogado pose the same risks as other AI platforms like ChatGPT and Bard: outdated information, limited accuracy, and concerns about privacy and liability?", "q_6": "What types of documents can I create with MIAbogado?", "q_7": "What languages can MIAbogado handle?", "q_8": "How does MIAbogado ensure the confidentiality of my documents?", "q_9": "What kind of support do you offer?", "r_1": "MIAbogado is an artificial intelligence platform designed to assist in legal tasks, such as drafting and reviewing legal documents, consulting regulations, and managing regulatory compliance. It uses advanced technology to automate and optimize legal processes, helping lawyers and companies work more efficiently.", "r_10": "Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. There are no long-term commitments, and we are here to accommodate your needs.", "r_11": "MIAbogado stands out for its advanced Artificial Intelligence technology backed by years of research. This means you can expect a level of precision and efficiency that surpasses the capabilities of other traditional legal services.", "r_12": "MIAbogado uses various techniques, technologies, and sources to help businesses comply.", "r_12_2": "Among them are:", "r_12_3": "Statistical models of threats and sanctions. ", "r_12_4": "Through predictive analysis and decision trees.", "r_12_5": "Machine learning", "r_12_6": "To adapt to the needs of each client and regulatory context, using internal Ecix sources as well as public sources with information on sanctions and judgments.", "r_12_7": "Advanced natural language processing component ", "r_12_8": "that applies various cutting-edge techniques such as latent semantic spaces, sub-word tokenization, embeddings, and other NLP tools like Transformers and LLMs.", "r_13": "MIAbogado uses ChatGPT for some generative functions.", "r_13_2": "The information that MIAbogado shares and sends to ChatGPT is anonymized and does not contain personal data. Our system anonymizes the documents before sending them to ChatGPT.", "r_14": "The algorithms and models are constantly reviewed and evolved.", "r_15": "We have certification in ISO27001, National Security Scheme (medium level), and Leet Security Certification.", "r_16_2": "According to the modules:", "r_16_3": "CREATE: Any legal/legal document", "r_16_4": "CONSULT: any regulatory framework in any country.", "r_16_5": "REVIEW: documents in the Spanish language, for the regulatory frameworks of Privacy, Compliance, Money Laundering, and Cybersecurity.", "r_17": "The native repository for analyzing documents is Sharepoint under Office 365. Additionally, the system allows automation and interoperability with other applications through API integration.", "r_18_2": "MIAbogado is a complete AI solution that provides legal interpretability to queries and documents.", "r_18_3": "ChatGPT assists in content creation but does not assess or interpret content from a legal perspective.", "r_18_4": "MIAbogado analyzes and interprets information from a legal standpoint.", "r_18_5": "Therefore, MIAbogado acts as a legal AI that complements ChatGPT in this application area and aims to assist legal professionals.", "r_2": "It's easy. Simply complete the form in the 'Request a Demo' section of our home page, make an appointment so that in 30 minutes we will show you all the potential of MIAbogado for your legal specialty and we will send you access so that you can register without obligation.", "r_3": "The trained models are common for all clients. MIAbogado does not use personal data in these trainings.", "r_3_2": "In the Corporate marketing model, the option is allowed for the client to request training tailored to their needs with their specific information or documents that may contain personal data. In this case, the trained models are stored and not shared with other clients' information or data.", "r_4_1": "MIAbogado is a ", "r_4_1_1": "virtual assistant ", "r_4_1_2": "that helps lawyers work more efficiently.", "r_4_2": "MIAbogado is a computer assistant that provides guided control and supervision to professionals in the preparation of their queries and document creation.", "r_4_3": "MIAbogado does not provide legal assistance or representation as defined in the Bar Association's statute.", "r_4_4": "A professional using MIAbogado may consider, based on their judgment, that the response is legally correct and may be used in their client's legal defense. However, the review of this information should be the responsibility of the expert professional after reading and supervising that information.", "r_4_5": "It's important to note that the tool is always under the guided control of the professional using it. In this sense, it's important for the professional to provide the necessary instructions for the automatic drafting of document sections.", "r_5_1": "The challenges and issues related to AI usage are being addressed as advances are made. In this regard, MIAbogado addresses each of these points in different ways:", "r_5_2": "Outdated information.", "r_5_3": "MIAbogado complements generative artificial intelligence with other proprietary models and algorithms that incorporate updated information in regulatory risk management.", "r_5_4": "Limited accuracy. ", "r_5_5": "MIAbogado includes a set of models and algorithms implemented ad hoc to help businesses comply, encompassing three fundamental aspects: Consult + Create + Review.", "r_5_6": "Its algorithms, developed by Spanish experts with the assistance of the Complutense University, allow for legal precision in the results, adjusting the entire system to respond with accuracy and detail within the field of social science of law.", "r_5_7": "Concerns about privacy and liability. ", "r_5_8": "The system implements a component for the automatic processing of entities (names, individuals, places, etc.) so that it can automatically anonymize this type of information independently of the AI models and services used.", "r_6": "MIAbogado is versatile and can help you generate a wide variety of legal documents: service contracts, board minutes, regulatory reports, lawsuits, employment contracts, and more.", "r_7": "MIAbogado has the ability to analyze documents in multiple languages and dialects, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, and many others, providing flexibility and adaptability in your legal practice.", "r_7_2": "However, it's important to note that the ability to understand and create text may vary by language. Feel free to contact us if you have specific questions or need assistance in a particular language. We will do our best to help you.", "r_8": "We understand the importance of confidentiality in the legal world. MIAbogado has robust security measures and adheres to the strictest standards to protect your documents and data.", "r_9": "Our team is available in Madrid and Barcelona to provide you with the best service and support. Whether it's a technical question or assistance in using the platform, we are here to help you every step of the way.", "title": "Frequently asked questions" }, "front-version-deprecated": { "message": "A new version of MIAbogado has been detected.\n\nClick 'Accept' to load it now." }, "generativeNlp": { "classify": "Classify" }, "generative_criteria_weights": { "labels": { "dont_apply": "No apply", "high": "High", "low": "Low", "medium": "Medium", "very_high": "Very High" } }, "generative_qualifier": { "a_document_type": "You must select a document type", "acceptButtonText": "Accept", "add_criteria": "Add new criteria", "cancelButtonText": "Cancel", "check": "Check", "checking": "Checking", "confirmButtonText": "Confirm", "confirmDeleteCriteria": "Are you sure you want to delete the criteria?", "confirmReviewAllCriterias": "Are you sure you want to review all extraction criteria for this document?", "confirm_delete": "This action will affect all documents of this type. It cannot be undone.", "correct": "Correct", "corrected": "Corrected", "correcting": "Correcting", "delete": "Delete", "deleteCriterion": "Delete Criteria", "delete_question": "Are you sure to delete this evaluation criterion?", "deletingCriteria": "Deleting Criteria", "description": "Description required", "edit": "Edit", "error": "An error has occurred", "error_criteria": "ERROR: The criteria you are trying to eliminate does not match.", "error_delete_criteria": "An error occurred while deleting the criterion", "error_msg_1": "No evaluation criteria were found.", "error_msg_2_1": "Classification of", "error_msg_2_2": "Type of document", "error_msg_2_3": "pending or type of document unknown to MIA.", "error_msg_3": "It is necessary to classify the document in order to be able to review it automatically.", "error_simple": "", "exclusionary": "Exclusive", "exclusionary_level": "If the document fails to comply with an exclusionary criterion, it will automatically be set to a VERY LOW compliance level (0.00%).", "found": "FOUND", "global_criterias": "Normative criteria", "importance": "Importance", "importance_weight": "The weight is used to weightedly calculate the document's compliance with all criteria. Required field", "ko": "NOT COMPLIANT", "limit": "Description cannot exceed 500 characters", "limit100": "Criteria title cannot exceed 100 characters", "manage-generative-qualifier-criteria": "Review criteria management", "management_criteria": "Management of own criteria", "mandatory": "*Mandatory field", "message": "This action will affect all documents of this type. It cannot be undone.", "message-criteria-limit": "The maximum criteria allowed in this document has been reached.", "normatives": "Regulations", "notFound": "NOT FOUND", "ok": "COMPLIANCE", "own_criterias": "Own Criterias", "proposal": "Proposal", "proposals_correction": "Correction proposals:", "remove": "Delete", "required": "Title of the required criterion", "requirement": "Requirement to evaluate", "result": "RESULT", "review": "Are you sure you want to review all the normative criteria in this document again?", "review_criteria": "Are you sure you want to review all the criteria in this document again?", "save": "Save", "seeLess": "- See less", "seeMore": "+ See more", "simple_error": "Error", "success_delete": "Criteria successfully deleted", "title_criteria": "Title of the criterion", "weight": "Mandatory weight", "yes_no": "Indicate in a simple and concrete way what must be evaluated in the document. Write this requirement so that the response is YES/NO (the evaluated criterion is met/not met)." }, "handle_errors": { "analysis_error": "There was a problem retrieving the analysis", "create_ent_error": "There were issues creating the account", "date_format_error": "There was a problem fetching the list of analyses: error with the date format", "del_ent_error": "There were issues deleting the account", "download_error": "There was a problem in the download", "edit_ent_error": "There were issues editing the account", "login_error": "There were problems with the login", "logout_error": "There were problems with the logout", "permission_denied": "You don't have permissions to access these resources, please contact the page administrator", "quality_error": "There were problems checking the quality of the document", "reasign_error": "We couldn't reassign the document", "resource_not_found": "No resource was found", "server_error_": "Error on the server", "server_problems": "Server problems", "singup_error": "There were problems registering the user", "stats_error": "There were problems fetching the statistics of the analyses", "visualize_doc_err": "There was a problem viewing the document" }, "info_modal": { "button_subscription": "I want to know more", "date": "Starting July 3", "date2": "From June 1", "free": { "text01": "IMPORTANT UPDATE: We want to offer you a better experience and more flexibility in using MIAbogado.", "text02": "Starting July 3 we will replace credits with 'MIAbytes', the new unit of measurement for your legal consultations, the review of your document templates or for creating them from scratch.", "text03": "This change applies both to the generation and review of legal documents, as well as to legal consultations made through chat. The number of MIAbytes used depends on the length of the text: for example, creating a 10-page document consumes approximately 10,000 MIAbytes. Evaluating 10 review criteria in that same document consumes around 100,000 MIAbytes, and a chat query with 100 words consumes approximately 150 MIAbytes.", "text04": "Each credit will be equivalent to 100,000 MIAbytes, so if, for example, on July 3 you had 50 credits, you will see 5 million MIAbytes reflected in your balance.", "text05": "This change is designed to provide you with greater transparency and flexibility in the use of our services, optimizing your resources more effectively.", "text06": "If you have any questions or need assistance with the transition, our support team is available to help you.", "text07": "Thank you for trusting MIAbogado for your legal needs!", "text08": "Don't miss this opportunity to secure your current price and continue enjoying all the benefits that MIAbogado offers for the next 12 months.", "text09": "For any questions or to take advantage of this offer, do not hesitate to contact our support team.", "text10": "Thank you for trusting MIAbogado for your legal needs!", "text11": "You just have to request an annual subscription before May 31, 2024.", "title": "Your MIAbogado Plan, now with 'MIAbytes'" }, "notice": "We have great news for you!", "payment-text01": "Choose the annual subscription that best suits your needs:", "payment-text02": "For 1 user and 50 credits per month", "payment-text03": "/year", "payment-text04": "(€39.90/month for 12 months, VAT included)", "payment-text05": "For 5 users and 250 credits per month", "payment-text06": "(€179.90/month for 12 months, VAT included)", "professional": { "text01": "Until now, your MIAbogado Professional Plan has 50 'credits' per month for the generation and review of your legal documents." }, "student": { "text01": "We want to inform you about an important update to your MIAbogado Student Plan. Starting June 1, 2024, the Student Plan will no longer be in force and a Professional Plan will be applied for 1 user and 50 credits per month per €69.90/month VAT included. But...", "text02": "Because you have trusted us during this time, we want you to be able to have your Professional Plan with the current rate of €39.90/month VAT included and to enjoy 40% savings on your next subscriptions.", "text03": "You just have to request an annual subscription before May 31, 2024.", "text04": "Don't miss this opportunity to secure your current price and continue enjoying all the benefits that MIAbogado offers for the next 12 months.", "text05": "If in the end you do not want to subscribe to any plan, you can do so in the “manage my subscription” section within your profile. For any questions or to take advantage of this offer, do not hesitate to contact our support team ", "title": "Important changes in your MIAbogado Plan" }, "subscription-text01": "With your annual subscription, you are not only assured of continued access to MIAbogado, but you will also ensure significant savings and the peace of mind of not having to worry about monthly renewals.", "subscription-text02": "I want to pay my annual MIAbogado subscription through:", "subscription-text03": "Card payment", "subscription-text04": "Enjoy your subscription beforehand.", "subscription-text05": "Bank transfer", "team": { "text01": "So far, your MIAbogado Team Plan has 250 'credits' per month for the generation and review of your legal documents." }, "transfer-text01": "MAKE PAYMENT to the account ES09 0081 0640 6400 0207 7017 owner of ECUACIONES LEGALES, S.L. of the rate that best suits your business:", "transfer-text02": "€478.80 VAT included (€39.90/month for 12 months), by MIAbogado Professional Annual for 1 user and 50 credits per month.", "transfer-text03": "€2,158.80 VAT included (€179.90/month for 12 months), by MIAbogado Team Annual for 5 users and 250 credits per month.", "transfer-text04": "IMPORTANT!", "transfer-text05": "Be sure to include “MYAnnual Lawyer” in the payment description so we can quickly identify it.", "transfer-text06": "If you need it, you can see the certificate of ownership of the bank account", "transfer-text07": "here", "transfer-text08": "SEND PROOF OF PAYMENT of the transfer, along with the Customer File, to ", "transfer-text09": "yolanda.rodriguez@ecix.tech.", "transfer-text10": "Download Client File", "transfer-text11": "If you need a proforma to make the payment, please write to ", "transfer-text12": "olga.torres@ecix.tech", "transfer-text13": " and attach the customer file with your billing information so we can send it to you.", "transfer-text14": "CONFIRMATION of your subscription", "transfer-text15": "Once we receive your email, we will contact you to confirm your request.", "transfer-text16": "Please note that your subscription will not be considered complete until the corresponding payment is verified.", "transfer-text17": "If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact our team at", "transfer-text18": "soporte_miabogado@miabogado.law", "transfer-text19": " Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and we will respond to you within a maximum period of 48 hours.", "transfer-text20": "Thank you very much for your trust and we will keep in touch!", "transfer-title": "To subscribe through Transfer follow these simple steps:" }, "init-updates": { "update01-text01": "The subjects and types of documents trained in the system have been updated.", "update01-text02": "You can now adjust the importance of each document type to calculate the compliance level.", "update01-text03": "You can indicate which types of documents should not be taken into account in the calculation.", "update01-text04": "The Compliance Reviewer can now analyze documents in PDF and DOCx formats.", "update01-text05": "We have added the legal visa to the list of documents, which is the result of reviewing criteria for a document.", "update01-text06": "You can now open the files written by MIA and the analyzed PDF documents directly from the document list.", "update01-title": "My company is renamed Compliance Reviewer, including the following capabilities:", "update02-text01": "Administrators can now add, update, and delete custom criteria.", "update02-text02": "Custom criteria are applied globally to a document type.", "update02-text03": "The list of criteria now includes information about their importance.", "update02-text04": "It is mandatory to classify all documents. Documents that do not fit the types defined by the system will be classified as 'Unclassified'.", "update02-text05": "The 'Corrects' function has been added for each criterion, which offers two correction proposals and allows them to be applied directly in the smart editor.", "update02-title": "New features in the Smart Editor", "update03-text01": "Open PDF documents in the smart viewer for MIA to analyze them.", "update03-text02": "Make queries and reviews of documents in PDF format. Although they cannot be edited, you can use the 'Query' and 'Review' functions on their content.", "update03-text03": "Classify and add PDF documents in the Compliance Reviewer to evaluate the level of compliance by subject, attaching the PDF documents.", "update03-title": "New features in the Smart Viewer", "update04-text01": "Administrators can now convert any document into a template from the Smart Editor.", "update04-text02": "Easily duplicate templates to create new documents.", "update04-title": "New functionality to create and manage templates", "update05-text01": "When you upload a PDF file, MIA automatically analyzes and classifies it in the Compliance Reviewer.", "update05-text02": "The result is displayed in the chat, indicating the subject and the corresponding document type, along with the review criteria if defined.", "update05-title": "Analysis of documents in PDF format", "update06-text01": "The risk matrix functionality disappears from the solution and is replaced by the Compliance Reviewer.", "update06-title": "We say goodbye to the Risk Matrix", "update07-text01": "You will now be able to see the Risk KPI by subject, which shows you the level of non-compliance risk for each area. This indicator combines the level of threat (based on the economic impact of sanctions) with the degree vulnerability (based on compliance level).", "update07-text02": "The possibility of uploading files directly for each type of document is added to the Compliance Reviewer.", "update07-title": "New features in Compliance Reviewer:", "update08-text01": "Administrators can manage the own review criteria for each type of document. Whenever the own criteria change, the system will detect that a new version exists and will report this change so that users can apply them to the analyzed documents.", "update08-text02": "Administrators can configure criteria as 'Exclusive' so that failure to meet a criterion automatically causes that document to have a 'Very Low' Legal Status, regardless of the status of the rest of the review criteria.", "update08-title": "Criteria review, new features:", "update09-text01": "Administrators can mark sections of a document as 'LOCKED', so that they cannot be modified by users.", "update09-text02": "An administrator can lock/unlock read-only sections.", "update09-text03": "This functionality can be used in templates to ensure that documents cloned from them have sections locked to read-only as needed.", "update09-title": "New features in the Smart Editor:", "update10-text01": "Now you can delete documents written or uploaded for analysis from the system. To do this, use the 'Delete' action available in the Document Manager", "update11-text01": "You can upload files in DOCX format for MIA to analyze", "update11-text02": "You can open DOCX and PDF files in the viewer to use the 'Query', 'Extract' and 'Review' functions", "update12-text01": "The 'Generated Documents' view is replaced by the 'Document Manager'. From this view you can list and manage the documents drafted by MIA, the files uploaded for analysis, and the templates created in the system.", "update12-text02": "New functionalities are implemented to be able to upload new documents from the Document Manager > Uploaded. As well as create new blank templates from the Document Manager > My templates", "update12-title": "New 'Document Manager' functionality", "update13-text01": "In addition to the review criteria, a new type is implemented: the extraction criteria, available on the right side in both the Smart Editor and the Smart Viewer.", "update13-text02": "These criteria allow you to define a criterion to automate the extraction of a field or value from a document. While the review criteria serve to evaluate compliance with the defined criteria, being a result of the type YES MEETS / NO COMPLY, the extraction criteria allow defining results of type FIELD and VALUE.", "update13-text03": "The review and extraction criteria can be defined as EXCLUSIVE, which causes the LEGAL VISA to be Low (0%), if the review or extraction condition is not met.", "update13-title": "New functionality: Extraction Criteria", "update14-text01": "The Users > Associated Accounts management view is revised to simplify the tasks of associating access permissions for a user to different accounts for administrators.", "update14-title": "New features in User Management", "update15-text01": "The configuration per account is reviewed in relation to the country of applicability and the default interface language. In this way, the default regulations can be configured (indicating the country of applicability) to apply for all accounts. actions of an account. With the interface language you can set the default language for all users.", "update15-title": "New features in Account Management", "update16-text01": "Update pricing for subscriptions", "update16-title": "New rates", "update17-text01": "We have renewed the help center by adding new FAQs and revising all content", "update17-title": "Help Center", "update18-text01": "Now the regulatory matters and the types of documents to demonstrate compliance with each of them have been reviewed for internationalization into Spanish, English and Portuguese.", "update18-title": "Internationalization", "update19-text01": "The credits in MIAbytes available for each type of subscription are adjusted.", "update19-title": "Subscriptions", "updates-button": "Continue", "updates-subtitle": "Discover the exciting news:", "updates-title": "Welcome back to MIAbogado!", "updates-version": "Version" }, "init": { "ai_processing_documents": "Processing documents", "analysis_finished": "Analysis finished", "cancel_analysis": "Cancel analysis", "cancel_init-new_analysis": "Cancel analysis/Init new analysis", "check_realtime_detail": "Check detail in realtime", "check_risk_matrix": "Check risk matrix", "compliance_risk_level": "Compliance risk level", "ia_result_monitoring": "IA result monitoring", "uploading_files": "Uploading files" }, "initial_loader": { "checking_authentication": "Checking authentication", "checking_previous_analysis": "Checking previous analysis", "document_error": "Error showing link document. Let's go to the home page", "document_no_account": "The link account to view the document does not match the logged in account. Let's go to the home page", "document_no_list": "This account does not have the link document. Let's go to the home page", "document_no_user": "The link user to view the document does not match the logged in. Let's go to the home page", "everything_is_ready": "Everything is ready", "loading_pbc_module": "Loading PBC module", "model_analysis_mismatch": "Model analysis mismatch", "no_previous_analysis": "No previous analysis", "retrieving_compliance_intelligence_analysis": "Retrieving compliance intelligence analysis", "update_date": "Update date", "user_authenticated": "User authenticated" }, "landing": { "company": "Company", "company_placeholder": "Company name", "contact": "Request a demo", "container1_p0-incibe": "INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS FOR ASSESSMENT, COMPLIANCE AND CERTIFICATIONS", "container1_p1": "AI that answers legal queries, draft contracts, reviews legal documents, and performs Due Diligence for you with the precision you need, in any language and hassle-free.", "container1_p1-incibe": "Automatic compliance document evaluation system based on artificial intelligence with natural language processing.", "container2_p1_1": "In the legal world, time and precision are critical. We know every minute counts, and every document must be impeccable. That's why we created MIAbogado, your virtual legal assistant, so you can focus on what really matters:", "container2_p1_2": "providing the best legal service to your clients.", "container2_p2_1": "Imagine having a virtual lawyer at your disposal who never rests, understands natural language, and can review and classify legal documents of any type. That's exactly what MIAbogado does without complications. And the best part is, you don't need to interview candidates to see if they fit... ", "container2_p2_2": "you can start right now with our free trial, ", "container2_p2_3": "which includes chat consultations, reviewing your document templates or creating them from scratch, with up to 500.000 MIABytes.", "container3_p1": "If you're a legal professional, you've probably had sleepless nights due to the amount of work from early morning legal queries, or because you have to study an area that's not your specialty to avoid mistakes, or because Due Diligence is on the horizon. With MIAbogado, you can...", "email": "Professional email", "email_placeholder": "Enter your email", "email_validator": "Invalid email address", "form-legal-text": "Ecuaciones Legales S.L.U. (MIAbogado) will process the personal data provided for the purpose of managing and processing the request issued through this form and maintaining contact with you, with a legitimizing basis in the management of the legal relationship established when making the request. concerned. Furthermore, if you give us your consent to do so by checking the corresponding box, Ecix will process the data to send commercial communications with our information and news, based on your consent, which you may revoke at any time. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing and portability, as well as opposing the processing of data for promotional purposes, by contacting our DPO in writing at privacidad@miabogado.law. More information in our ", "form-subtitle": "Do you want to revolutionize your legal practice and maximize your productivity?", "form-text01": "MIAbogado is the solution you need. Our advanced Artificial Intelligence transforms the way you manage legal documentation, allowing you to save up to 80% of your time and accelerate the delivery of your services.", "form-text02": "Schedule a custom demo now", "form-text03": "with one of our experts and discover all the advantages that MIAbogado has for you, it is the first step to transform your legal practice!", "form-text04": "Join more than 10,000 lawyers who are already optimizing their time and improving their results with MIAbogado.", "form-text05": "Don't be left behind!", "form-tittle01": "", "form-tittle02": "Discover the future", "form-tittle03": "legal services", "how-section-description": "Advanced Artificial Intelligence: MIAbogado uses its own algorithms and legal equations based on more than 6 years of research to understand natural language and analyze documents of any type.", "how-section-subtitle01": "Tailored legal consultations", "how-section-subtitle02": "Generation of custom documents", "how-section-subtitle03": "Efficient document review", "how-section-subtitle04": "eRadar & Observatorio Normativo", "how-section-subtitle05": "Legal Rating and Automated Visé in any matter", "how-section-subtitle06": "For Demanding Organizations", "how-section-text01": "MIAbogado resolves any legal query. All you have to do is write your question or ask them over the loudspeaker (by clicking on the microphone button) about any legal matter, from any country and in any language!", "how-section-text02-p1": "Create contracts, reports, proposals, policies, plans, agreements, minutes of general shareholders meetings, or any type of legal documentation from scratch. ", "how-section-text02-p2": "From the initial application to the final edition, MIAbogado helps you create custom legal documents.", "how-section-text03-p1": "Contrast your documentation on Data Protection, Compliance, Criminal, Privacy, Security and Money Laundering with Spanish and European regulations; Information Security Standards. ", "how-section-text03-p2": "Two phases of Due Diligence: Simplifies legal risk assessment with a legal diagnosis phase and a risk assessment phase. Identify vulnerabilities and threats in your regulatory framework.", "how-section-text04-p1": "It's like having a compliance meteorologist in your pocket, but instead of predicting rain or shine, it tells you exactly what you need to know about changing regulations. You can define your level of alerts according to your needs with personalized alerts and choose your source monitoring because we eliminate noise and you will enjoy very precise information.", "how-section-text04-p2": "You will be able to consult reports for articles most sanctioned by country, industry, type of company so that you can anticipate the risks and possible threats of interest to you.", "how-section-text05-p1": "Get an objective evaluation of legal aspects in various areas of law, so you can make better-informed decisions.", "how-section-text05-p2": "Verifies the legal integrity of your legal documents and ensures that they are in compliance with current legal regulations.", "how-section-text06-p1": "Enjoy specialized services designed exclusively to meet the demands of the most demanding organizations. From expert supervision by a team available in Madrid and Barcelona providing elite legal support, to dedicated hosting options and API connections for personalized security and connectivity. We facilitate your operations with integration with Microsoft Office and the ability to configure segmented users with specific functionalities.", "how-section-text06-p2": "A comprehensive solution not only automates processes but also provides advanced insights, objective evaluation of legal aspects, and the backing of a team of specialists committed to overcoming your organization's challenges.", "how-section-title": "How does ", "item1_content": "Simplify tasks, contrast subjects you do not master and convert your legal queries into drafts to free yourself from tedious tasks in a few seconds. Don't wait for other colleagues to move forward with your clients!", "item1_title": "Optimize your legal practice", "item2_content": "Streamlines the review and validation of large volumes of documentation in multiple languages. From contracts to internal client documents.", "item2_title": "Simplify the document review of your templates", "item3_content": "Create any contract, demand and even internal policies or bidding documents, simply and in minutes, to focus on your legal practice.", "item3_title": "Write any missing legal documents", "item4_content": "Doing a compliance review, identifying legal vulnerabilities and evaluating risks in any regulatory area, is very easy and fast.", "item4_title": "Comply with all regulatory frameworks", "know-more": "You want to know more?", "know-more-description": "Explore our ", "know-more-description1": "help documentation", "know-more-description2": "about security and compliance or contact sales and get all your questions answered.", "login": "Log In", "message": "Message", "message_validator": "You must enter a message", "miabogado-color": "MIAbogado", "name": "Name", "name_validator": "You must enter a name", "position": "Position in company", "prices": "PLANS AND PRICES", "prices-subtitle": "For large and small companies like:", "prices-title": "Find the ideal rate for your business", "privacy_01": "I have read and accept the ", "privacy_02": "Legal Notice and Data Protection Policy", "privacy_03": "You must accept the Legal Notice and Data Protection Policy to continue.", "privacy_04": "I accept receiving commercial communications from Ecuaciones Legales S.L.U.", "privacy_policy": "Privacy policy", "question": "?", "rates": "Rates", "send": "Send", "sendedEmail": "Thank you very much for your interest in MIAbogado! We have sent you a message with the next steps, to the email you registered. Check your spam folder if you don't receive it.", "start_now": "Start now", "surname": "Last Name", "surname_validator": "You must enter a last name", "test_it": "I want to try it", "testimonial-job1": "Partner at ABA Abogadas", "testimonial-job2": "Partner at LO Baptista Advogados", "testimonial-name1": "Julia Clavero", "testimonial-name2": "Cassia Monteiro", "testimonial-subtitle": "They trust their legal tasks to MIAbogado because they save 80% of their time and get better results thanks to our technology.", "testimonial-title": "Changes the lives of our clients", "title": "The legal partner that makes you earn more", "title-incibe": "Challenge 04", "title2": "The Virtual Assistant you've always wanted for all your legal tasks", "title3": "What can you do with ", "tlf": "Phone", "tlf_placeholder": "Enter your phone number", "tlf_validator": "Invalid phone number", "work": "" }, "lex-bot": { "available_credits": "Available MIAbytes: ", "cancel": "Cancel", "chat_placeholder": "Submit your inquiry...", "consult": "Query", "consumed_credits": "MIAbytes needed: {{credits}}", "consumedone_credits": "MIAbytes needed: 1", "continue": "Continue", "create": "Write", "created": ", Currently created:", "draft": "Write", "draft_question": "Opening the requested document in the smart editor", "error-deleted-document": "The document could not be retrieved. It has been deleted.", "evaluate": "Evaluating documents...", "evaluate_sucessful": "Documents evaluated successfully", "expert-mode": "Expert Mode", "files_repeated": "", "go_to": "", "go_to_editor": "Writing: {{type}}, please wait a few seconds", "ideas": "Give me more ideas", "limit": "Limit: ", "limit_exceeded": "The MIAbytes limit for your subscription has been exceeded", "limit_exceeded_demo": "", "limit_question": "", "limited_files": "You cannot upload more than {{files}} files at a time", "new_conver": "New conversation", "not_want_to_editor": "You didn't want us to write a contract of type: {{type}}", "open-list": "Generated documents", "plan-demo": "You can subscribe to a Professional or Team plan to continue using the solution. You decide which one best suits your needs.", "plan-suscription": "You can subscribe to a higher plan, which will be applied in the next renewal cycle. Additionally, if you need to use the solution today, you can purchase a Bonus from MY ACCOUNT > SUBSCRIPTION.", "result": { "error": "Could not be classified. The subjects trained at the moment are Privacy, Criminal, Money Laundering and Information Security. New subjects will be activated shortly.", "part1": "Result of the revised document: ", "part2": "This is a document classified as: ", "revised-criterias": "Normative criterias revised", "see-document": "View document", "seeRiskMatrix": "See the company's risk matrix", "vise": "Legal vise" }, "review": "Review", "revise": "Reviewing files...", "revise_sucessful": "Files reviewed successfully", "select-documents": "Select file", "try_again": "The request could not be processed. Try again", "uploaded_files_error": "Error uploading files {{files}}", "uploading_files": "Uploading files...", "uploading_files_error": "The files {{files}} have not been uploaded or have not been saved in the conversation. Check it in generated documents", "write": "The amount will be " }, "lex_editor": { "actual_sus": "in the current subscription", "add-reqs": "Add new requirement", "add_exec": "Add to MIA Execution", "add_execution": ". Do you want to add the execution? The cost will be ", "add_execution2": " Euros", "add_reqs": "Added requirements {{reqs}}.", "add_section": "Added section \"{{title}}\"", "add_subscription": ". Subscribe to continue generating documents.", "add_to_mia": "Add to MIA", "add_voucher": "Sign up for a bonus to increase the number of MIAbytes available. The bonus can be consumed as needed in addition to the plan.", "and": "and", "available": "available", "bonus": "Bonuses", "bonus_available": "Bonus consumed", "cancel_alert_generate": "Cancel", "cancel_all": "Cancel", "check": "Check", "classifying_document": "Preparing review criteria and legal review. Wait a few seconds", "clean_content": "Clear Section Content", "clear": "Clear", "clone_document": "Generating document from template", "clone_document_error": "", "confirm_alert_generate": "Yes, I want to write new content", "consult": "Consult", "consumed": "consumed", "country": "", "create_document": "Create new document from template", "created": ", Created: ", "date_finish": "End Date", "date_init": "Start Date", "days_number": "Number of Days", "delete_preamble": "We clean the content of the preamble.", "delete_section": "Deleted section \"{{index}}\".", "delete_section_not": "The \"{{index}}\" section cannot be deleted because it is not in the editor.", "doc-country": "Country", "doc-lang": "Language", "doc_type": "Document type", "doc_uploaded": "Document uploaded successfully", "down_section": "Move Section Down", "download": "Download", "dropdownvise_caption": "Legal Visé Legend", "dropdownvise_p1": "Not applicable / criteria not yet reviewed", "dropdownvise_p2": "Very Low [between 0% and 25%]", "dropdownvise_p3": "Low [between 25% and 50%]", "dropdownvise_p4": "Medium [between 50% and 75%]", "dropdownvise_p5": "High [between 75% and 100%]", "dropdownvise_subtitle": "To calculate it, the result of the criteria met is weighted according to its importance.", "dropdownvise_title": "The legal visé indicates the result of the criteria review.", "editor": "Smart editor", "error-uploaded": "Error classifying the document", "error_review": "Revision necessary", "error_saving": "Error saving document", "evaluation-complete": "Document uploaded", "evaluation-complete-sucessfull": "Document uploaded successfully", "exclude": "Exclude", "export": "Export", "exported": "Exported document", "extract": "Extract", "generate_all": "Generate", "generate_prea": "Generate Preamble", "generate_section": "Generate Section", "generating_doc": "Composing docx with document data...", "go_to_directory": "We open the Generated Documents folder.", "go_to_matrix": "Go to Matrix", "green": "Green", "grey": "Grey", "half": "Half", "high": "High", "hours_number": "Number of Hours", "keep": "Save", "kpi_result": "KPI of the result", "last_execution": "Searching for the latest execution in the intelligence engine...", "lease_agreement": "Lease Agreement", "lease_terms": "Lease Terms", "legal_visa": "Legal Review", "limit": "The document limit has been exceeded, you cannot generate any more documents. Redirecting to the home screen", "limit_message": "It seems you want to add an execution to MIA, but you have exceeded the document limit for your subscription: ", "limit_name": "Limit ", "lock_section": "", "low": "Low", "manage": "Manage subscription", "mark_template": "Mark document as template", "marking_template": "Convirtiendo el documento en plantilla ", "matter": "Matter", "modify_header": "We change the title of the section \"{{old}}\" to \"{{new}}\".", "modify_header_preamble": "You cannot give a title to the preamble.", "modify_header_title": "We change the title of the document \"{{old}}\" to \"{{new}}\".", "modify_preamble": "Modified preamble.", "modify_reqs": "Modified reqs: {{reqs}}", "modify_section": "Modified section \"{{index}}\".", "modify_section_notexits": "The section \"{{index}}\" does not exist in the editor.", "must_select": "You must select", "neutral": "--", "no-config-classified": "Outdated document type. It is necessary to reclassify.", "non_compliance": "Non-compliance", "normative": "", "not": "THERE IS NO", "not-change-section": "", "not_exec_available": "No executions available to upload the document.", "of": "of", "orange": "Orange", "parts": "Parts", "period": "Subscription period", "preamble": "Preamble", "property": "Property", "range": "", "recover": "Recover", "recover_analysis": "Recover an analysis", "recover_doc": "Recover Documents", "recover_subjects_error": "There are no associated subjects. Please contact the administrator", "recover_typeDocuments_error": "There are no associated document types. Please contact the administrator", "recovering_analysis": "Recovering analysis...", "red": "Red", "redo": "Redo", "remove_section": "Delete Section", "remove_section_1": "The section will be removed ", "remove_section_2": " \n\n Do you want to continue?", "repeat": "Repeat", "reqs": "Additional requirements", "requirements": "Requirements", "saved": "Saved document.", "saving_doc": "Saving document...", "saving_success": "Document saved successfully", "section": "Section", "section_removed": "The section is NO LONGER in the editor. It was deleted while entering the call ", "section_title": "Sections", "section_tooltip": "Add section", "select_doc_type": "Select document type", "select_matter": "Select matter", "simplify_document": "Generating the document in a simplified way", "simplify_document_req": "Write more simply", "subscription": "Subscription", "template": "Template", "text_alert_generate": "Artificial intelligence will write a new one. Are you sure you want MIA to generate the entire document?", "title": "", "title_alert_generate": "Generate will delete all redacted content in the document", "title_section": "Section Title", "tns_doc": "Generating translated document", "tns_section": "The translation to that section is \n\n \"{{content}}\".", "tns_section_nocontent": "The section has no content, it cannot be translated", "tns_section_nocontent_response": "The translation could not be brought. Try again", "tns_section_preamble": "The translation of the preamble is \n\n \"{{content}}\".", "to": " to ", "tooltip01": "Resolve any questions or request any modifications to your document. All you have to do is write it or speak to it by clicking on the microphone.", "tooltip02": "Check the regulatory criteria or your own criteria that you want to include in the document so that you can correct what you need.", "tooltip03": "Extract a summary of the sections, titles or clauses of your document so you can go directly to where you want to work in the document.", "undo": "Undo", "unlock_section": "", "unmark_template": "Unmark document as template", "unmarking_template": "Convirtiendo plantilla a documento", "upd-date": "Document generated by MIA. Saved", "upd-date-docx-no-editable": "DOCX Not editable", "upd-date-pdf": "", "upd-date-pdf-no-editable": "", "upd-date-pdf1": "", "upd-date-pdf2": "", "upload_section": "Upload Section", "uploading_doc": "Uploading document...", "very_low": "Very low", "visor": "Smart viewer", "yellow": "Yellow", "section_title": "Sections", "section_tooltip": "Add section", "filters": "Filters", "downloadReport": "Download report" }, "list_documents": { "analysis_complete": "Analysis completed", "analyze": "Analyze", "analyze_all": "Analyze all", "analyze_pending": "Analyze only pending", "analyzing_doc": "Analyzing document...", "back": "Back to others", "change_result": "Change result of a criterion", "choose_doc": "Choose the type of document", "close": "Close", "confirm_change": "CONFIRM CHANGE", "copied_text": "Text copied to the clipboard. You can now paste it into your documents", "copy_text": "Copy text", "defense_level": "Defense level: ", "discard_doc": "Do you want to discard the document", "docs_localized": "Documents located: ", "document": "Document", "document_manager": "Document Manager", "done": "Complied", "error_analysis": "Compliance analysis was performed with an obsolete model, the document needs to be reanalyzed to apply the changes", "errors": "Errors", "evaluation": "Quality evaluation is not yet available for this document type", "get_files": "Getting files...", "importance": "Importance: ", "info": "If you believe that the result of the compliance analysis for this criterion is not correct, you can indicate another result. This will recalculate the defense level of this document and help improve the automated training system.", "info_compilance": "Compliance info", "info_reasign": "If you believe that the classification result is not correct, you can reassign the document to its correct type to help improve the automated training system.", "loading_docs": "Loading document types for ", "new_matter": "New matter to be reassigned", "new_type": "New type to be reassigned", "not_apply": "Not applicable", "not_data": "No data found", "not_done": "Not done", "obsolete": "Compliance analysis was performed with an obsolete model, it is necessary to reanalyze the document to apply the changes", "omited_doc": "Defense analysis cannot be performed on omitted documents.", "omited_doc_2": "", "omitted_doc_2": "Omit document", "others": "Others", "preparing_page": "Preparing page...", "privacy": "Privacy", "question": "Are you sure you want to re-analyze the defense level of this document? In principle it is an action that should be carried out only if the document has changed or if the system proposes that you update it.", "reasign_as": "", "reason": "Reason for non-applicability...", "reassign": "Reassign document type", "reassign_as": "Reassign as:", "reclassify": "Reclassify", "recommend": "Recommendation", "regulation": "Regulations", "report": "Report", "resign": "has been reassigned", "result": "Sort result:", "show_errors": "View errors files", "the_doc": "The document:", "updated_analysis": "Compliance analysis was performed with a model that has been updated, it is recommended to reanalyze the document to apply the changes", "updated_model": "Compliance analysis was performed with a model that has been updated, it is recommended to reanalyze the document to apply the changes" }, "login": { "account-created-and-login": "Your account has been created. Welcome to MIAbogado", "already_session_1": "You already have a session open in ", "already_session_2": " in the browser ", "already_session_3": " with expiration date: ", "already_session_4": "\n\n Do you want to continue anyway? If you do, you will lose the open session.", "bottom-go": "Go to login", "cancel": "Cancel", "changed-password": "You have successfully changed your password", "check-token": "Checking link", "confirm": "Confirm", "email_format": "The email field requires an email format like xxx@xxx.xxx", "error-creating-user-account": "Error creting user and account, try again after a few second", "error-mailnotconfirmed": "To enter MIAbogado you must first confirm your email", "error-notactive": "The user's profile is disabled, contact the account administrators", "error-notactiveandenterprise": "The user does not have their current account active and does not have any associated active accounts, please contact the account administrators", "error-password-change": "Error resetting password, try again after a few seconds", "error-password-mail": "Error sending password change confirmation email. Try logging in with the new password", "error_credentials": "Incorrect credentials", "error_search_user": "Error sending email, try again in a few seconds", "error_send_mail": "Error sending email, try again in a few seconds", "error_user": "Another user has opened another session with the same credentials", "expired-token": "Wrong or expired link. \n\nIf you have already confirmed your account previously, you just need to log in to authenticate in the application", "first-login": "Start MIAbogado for the first time. Change of password", "forget": "Forgot your password?", "goBack": "Return to login", "not_account": "Don't have an account?", "password_format": "Confirm", "place": "Place", "remove_logo": "", "resend-email": "You can also request resending of the email", "reset-sentence": "Enter the email address associated with your account and we'll send you a link to set your password", "resetting-password": "Resetting password", "sent-email-1": "Verify your email", "sent-email-2": "If {{email}} matches an email address we have on file, then we have sent you an email with additional instructions so you can reset your password", "sent-email-3": "If you have not received an email within 5 minutes, please check your spam folder", "sent-email-4": " send it again", "sent-email-5": " try another email address", "sent-email-6": "We have sent an email to {{email}} with instructions to follow the registration process.", "success-password-change": "Password reset. Sending confirmation email", "upload_files_disabled_while_active_execution": "File upload is disabled while there is an active execution", "user_not_found": "The email is not in our app" }, "manage_accounts": { "account": "Account", "account-change": "Change account", "account_change": "Account Change", "account_removed": "The account has been deleted ", "accounts_management": "Accounts Management", "accounts_remove": "Account Deletion", "active": "Active", "change_account": "Account Change", "change_question": "Are you sure you want to change the account to:", "change_time": "This change will take a few seconds", "confirmed-mail": "Confirmed", "date_creation": "Creation Date", "delete_account": "Delete account", "edit_account": "Edit account", "language": "Language", "loading_accounts": "Loading accounts...", "options": "Options", "partner": "Partner", "placeholder": "Search for an account and press enter", "production": "Production", "remove_question": "By deleting the account, all users whose primary account is the same will also be deleted. Do you want to continue with the action?", "search_not_allowed": "Searches with less than 3 characters are not allowed.", "showing": "Showing " }, "manage_download": { "docs_download": "Document download", "download_question": "Are you sure you want to download the document:", "downloaded_succ": " has been successfully downloaded", "downloading": "Downloading:" }, "manage_executions": { "already_showed": "The analysis you want to recover is already on your screen", "analysis_date": "You are about to recover the analysis with date ", "analysis_number": "Analysis Number", "analysis_recovery": "Analysis Recovery", "analysis_remove": "Analysis Deletion", "analysys_recovered": "Analyses successfully recovered", "and": " and:", "cancel_filter": "Cancel Filter", "classified": "Classified", "continue_removing": "The analysis is about to be deleted. Do you want to continue with the action?", "date": "Date", "delete": "Delete", "filter": "Filter", "info": "Info", "last_exe": "The current execution has been deleted. We will retrieve the new latest execution", "models": "Models", "no_data": "No data found", "omitted": "Omitted", "recovered_analysis": "The analysis has been successfully recovered: ", "recovered_between": "You are about to recover analyses between:", "remove_successfull": "Analysis deleted successfully", "select": "Select", "select_date": "Select another date, you haven't performed any analysis for this day", "server_failed": "Something is currently failing on the servers, please wait a moment and try again", "successfully_recovered": "Analysis successfully recovered", "total": "Total", "type": "Type", "unavailable": "Model unavailable", "unavailable_2": "The latest execution cannot be retrieved. Model unavailable", "url": "URL", "waiting": "This change will take a few seconds" }, "manage_experts": { "create_expert": "Create Expert", "deactivate": "Are you sure you want to deactivate this user as an expert?", "error": "An error occurred, please check the logs", "expert_deactivate": "User deactivated as an expert", "experts_management": "Experts Management", "loading_experts": "Loading experts...", "reactivate_expert": "User reactivated as an expert", "reactivate_question": "Are you sure you want to reactivate this user as an expert?", "search_user": "Press Enter to search for a user", "show_no_actived": "Include not active: " }, "manage_users": { "associate": "", "create": "Create ", "creation-date-partner": "CREATION DATE", "creation_date": "", "deleted": "DELETED", "edition_date": "", "enter": "Press Enter to search for a user", "filter": "Filter ", "filter_account": "Account filter:", "invite-free": "Invite free", "management": "Management of ", "mark_expert": "", "me": "YOU", "not-founds-partners": "You do not have any associated partners to manage. Contact the administrators to request access.", "not_actived": "Include not active: ", "owner": "OWNER", "partner": "", "principal-account": "MAIN ACCOUNT", "pulse-button-create": "Press the button to calculate the created documents", "pulse-button-total": "Press the button to calculate the total documents", "pulse-button-uploaded": "Press the button to calculate the uploaded documents", "search_account": "Search for an account", "search_partner": "Search for a partner", "status": "STATUS", "total-documents-redacted": "Total Redacted Documents", "total-documents-uploaded": "Total Uploaded Documents" }, "manual_scan": { "cnae": "Select CNAE...", "dni": "ID/Passport", "gender": "Select Gender...", "nacionality": "Select Nationality...", "search": "", "select_tax_rate": "Select Tax Rate...", "show": "" }, "modal": { "add_requirem": "Add Requirement", "after": "After ", "after_preamble": "After the preamble", "already_open": "The selected document is already open", "already_section": "There is already a section with that title, please choose another title.", "delete_requirem": "Delete Requirement", "end": "At the end", "load_ko": "The document could not be loaded", "loading": "Loading document...", "open_doc": "Do you want to open the document in the viewer?", "requirements": "Additional Requirements", "upload_document": "Load document", "upload_document_des": "Do you want to open the document in the smart editor?" }, "modal_create": { "alias": "Alias", "classify_alert": "File classification alert", "creation_account": "Account creation completed", "creation_partner": "Partner creation completed", "description": "", "duplicated": "duplicate user", "email": "Email", "empty_partner-free": "The associated partner cannot be empty", "error_account": "Error creating the account.", "error_partner": "Error creating partner.", "error_user": "Error creating user.", "invite-free-explication": "An email will be sent with instructions to register for a free trial, valid for one month. The email includes a link to perform this action valid for 7 days. It is one-use only. Once the MIAbytes are consumed or the trial month expires, the user must register a subscription account to continue using the solution.", "invite-free-title": "Invite to Free Plan", "lang_default": "Default Interface Language", "languague": "Interface Language", "country" : "País de Aplicabilidad", "limit": "The limit of created users has been reached", "limit_month": "Monthly Limit of Created Documents", "mail-sent-1": "An email has been sent to ", "mail-sent-2": " inviting him to MIAbogado. When he confirm, he will be registered in the application.", "name": "Name", "not_found": "", "partner-alias": "Name", "partner-free": "Associate free account to Partner:", "partner-name": "Code", "pass-change": "Force password change at next login", "passw_confirm": "Confirm Password", "password": "Password", "processing": "We are processing your request.", "quality_alert": "File revision alert", "registered": "has been registered successfully.", "rol": "Role", "same_passw": "Passwords must match", "upload_alert": "File upload alert", "user": "User:" }, "modal_repository": { "active_demon": "Activate as daemon", "add": "Add", "alias_change": "You are going to change the alias to : ", "alias_changed": "You have changed the alias to : ", "alias_name": "Alias name", "alias_repo": "Alias of the repository", "configure_demon": "Configure as daemon", "continue_question": "Do you want to continue with the action?", "demon_info": "Configuring as a daemon will activate automatic daily scanning. This scanning will be performed every day between 00:00 and 01:00.", "docs_suscript": "Documents created subscription", "edit": "Edit", "edit_repo": "Edit repository", "limit_suscript": "Subscription limit", "manual_search": "Manual search", "new_repo": "New repository", "password": "Password", "password_change": "You are going to change the password", "password_changed": "You have changed your password", "question_1": "", "scan_repo": "We are scanning your Sharepoint repository. This task may take a few minutes", "total_docs_created": "Total documents created", "url": "", "url_info": "", "user": "", "user_change": "", "user_changed": "" }, "my_company": { "back": "Return", "compliance": "Compliance", "compliance_matrix": "Compliance Reviewer", "cybersecurity": "Cybersecurity", "docs": "Dcoments", "high": "HIGH", "international": "International", "justification": "Justification", "low": "LOW", "medium": "MEDIUM", "medium_content_1": "GDPR, LOPD", "medium_content_2": "ISO27001, ENS...", "national": "National (ES)", "not_apply": "NOT APPLY", "privacy": "Privacy", "risk": "Risk", "scope": "Scope: ", "scope_international": "International", "scope_national": "National", "sub_title": "My company's compliance level", "table": { "column_1": "Document type", "column_2": "Docs", "column_3": "Importance", "column_4": "Options", "column_5": "Applicability" }, "threat": "Threat", "unclassif_doc_info": "We cannot write an 'Unclassified' document", "very-high": "VERY HIGH", "vulnerability": "Vulnerability", "write_doc_1": "Do you want MIA to write a new document of type ", "write_doc_2": " in the smart editor?" }, "new_alert": { "not_valid_files": "Invalid files or files with errors:", "total_evidences": "Total mitigation evidence:", "total_files": "Total files processed", "total_omited": "Total files omitted:" }, "new_logo": { "allowing": "allowing you to anticipate legal risks and design their mitigation effectively", "analysis_result": "Analysis result", "analyzing": "analyzing business information using algorithms, machine learning and predictive models", "finished": "Analysis finished", "get_documents": "Getting documents", "loadinfinishedg_experts": "", "login": "Sharepoint login", "mia_text": "MIA is the compliance assistant that helps you understand your legal risks in an automated way", "processing": "Processing analysis...", "pulsed": "Press and hold the mouse to drag the logo", "recovered": "Analysis recovered", "recovering": "Recovering analysis...", "risk_level": "Risk level", "sanctions": "sanctions", "started": "Shall we start?", "state_question": "Do you want to know the compliance status in your organization and be able to avoid sanctions?", "uploading_file": "Uploading file:", "uploading_files": "Uploading files" }, "news_mia": { "next": "Next", "previous": "Previous", "skip": "Skip", "title_1": "Create documents", "title_2": "Consult", "view_1_text1": "WELCOME TO MIAbogado, the legal partner that makes you earn more.", "view_1_text2": "Thanks to MIA, the artificial intelligence of MIAbogado, you will be able to:", "view_1_text3": "Ask legal questions and get answers.", "view_1_text4": "Request MIA to draft contracts or any other type of legal documentation.", "view_1_text5": "Review legal documentation and perform legal due diligence for you.", "view_2_text1": "Do you have legal doubts? CONSULT MIA.", "view_2_text2": "MIAbogado solves any legal query.", "view_2_text3": "What can you ask?", "view_2_text4": "Legal questions in any language.", "view_2_text5": "Questions about any regulation.", "view_2_text6": "Questions from any legal area: criminal, labor, commercial, tax, etc...", "view_3_text1": "Need any legal document? Ask MIA to DRAFT it.", "view_3_text2": "MIAbogado allows the creation of contracts, reports, proposals, policies, plans, agreements, minutes of general shareholder meetings, or any type of legal documentation from scratch. In two steps:", "view_3_text3": "Ask MIA to 'Draft' the legal document you need; you can add indications or additional requirements as necessary.", "view_3_text4": "In the smart editor, the structure of the document will be prepared, so you can review it and generate the content of its sections through artificial intelligence.", "view_4_text1": "", "view_4_text2": "" }, "nlp": { "error": { "addquestion": "Error adding file question to MIA. It will not be saved in the conversation history", "addreponse": "Error adding the response about the files to MIA. It will not be saved in the conversation history", "api": "Error asking MIA", "audio": "Error asking MIA", "common": "Error calling MIA", "export": "Error exporting the document", "history": "Error recovering the history of the conversation with MIA", "preamble": "Error generating the preamble", "section": "Error generating the section {{section}}", "sectionquestion": ", Do you want to repeat the call to generate this section?", "structure": "Error generating document structure", "transform": "Error transforming MIA response in section {{section}}" }, "sentence": { "limit": { "final": "(limit: {{limit}})", "init": "Generated {{month}}: " } } }, "no": "", "notification": { "ago": "ago", "alerts": "ALERTS: Notification Center", "day": "day", "days": "days", "hour": "hour", "hours": "hours", "loading_alerts": "Loading alerts...", "mark_all_views": "Mark all notifications as views", "mark_view": "Marking alert as view. This change will take a few seconds", "minute": "minute", "minutes": "minutes", "not_alerts": "There are no alerts for the current filter", "not_notif": "You don't have any new notifications", "notifications": "Notifications", "now": "Now", "show_all": "Show all", "show_all_2": "See all", "week": "week", "weeks": "weeks" }, "notification_filter": { "alert_type": "Alert types:", "filters": "Alert filters", "show_historic": "Show historical" }, "obs-normativo": { "menu-item": "Obs. Normativo", "redirect-button": "Yes, take me!", "redirect-question": "Do you want to open Observatorio Normativo in a new tab?", "redirecting-wait": "We are preparing a ObservatorioNormativo, wait a moment..." }, "office365": { "created": "Successfully created user", "domain_authorize": "Authorizing domain through Office365...", "domain_authorized": "Authorized domain", "domain_default": "Account default domain", "domain_no_authorized": "Pending domain", "error": { "auth-not-match-domain": "The domain {{domain}} cannot be authorized by a user with a different domain {{domain2}}. If in doubt, consult with the administrator.", "auth-not-match-enterprise": "The domain {{domain}} does not belong to your account, you cannot authorize it with Office365. If in doubt, consult with the administrator.", "generic": "Error recovering Office365 data.", "inactive-enterprise": "The account {{account}} has access disabled. If in doubt, consult with the administrator.", "inactive-user": "This email has access disabled. If in doubt, consult your Organization administrator.", "limit": "A new user could not be created for the account {{account}} ({{domain}}) as the user limit has been reached. Your administrator can delete users who are no longer in use or contact sales to increase the limit of users who can access.", "limit_asoc": "The user could not be associated with the account {{account}} ({{domain}}) al haber alcanzado el límite de usuarios. Su administrador puede eliminar los usuarios que ya no se utilicen o bien contactar con ventas para ampliar el límite de usuarios que pueden acceder.", "not-confirmed": "To enter MIAbogado you must first confirm your email", "not-domain": "This domain does not have access authorization in MIAbogado, if in doubt, consult your administrator or contact sales to contract a Team subscription or higher to be able to use delegated authentication in Office365", "not-match-domain": "The domain {{domain}} does not belong to your account, you cannot access MiAbogado with Office365. If in doubt, consult with the administrator." }, "loged": "User logged in correctly", "login": "Login by Office365 ...", "reload": "Restarting MIAbogado ...", "session": "The session you have open will be lost", "title": "Continue with Microsoft" }, "partner_account": { "account": "on account", "account_2": "account", "actual": "Current", "associate": "Associate", "associate-user": "Associate User", "associate_1": "Associate accounts to ", "associate_2": "Associate", "associated_acc": "Search for an associated account", "associated_accounts": "Associated accounts", "associating": "Associating user", "button-associate": "Associate ADMIN PARTNER", "cant_active": "", "convert": "Associate as principal", "convert_main": "Convert to main", "desassociate-user": "Disassociate User", "desassociating": "Disassociating user", "error": "Error associating partner and accounts", "error_2": "Error associating business partner with account", "info": "A non-active account cannot be associated", "not-associate": "Disassociate", "not-associated-user": "No users found associated with this partner", "not-found-users": "No users found to associate that meet the search criteria", "not-revoke": "Revoke account", "not_allowed": "Not allowed", "not_associated_accounts": "NOT associated accounts", "options": "OPTIONS", "partner_associated": "Partner associated with the account", "partner_edited": "", "principal": "Main", "search_account": "Write a minimum of 3 letters", "title-associate": "Associate accounts", "title-search": "Find account to associate", "title-user-associate": "Associate Users", "title-user-search": "Search User to Associate", "user-associated": "User associated successfully", "user-desassociated": "User disassociated successfully", "user-td": "USER" }, "plans": { "active": "Active", "actual_plan": "Current plan: ", "additional_doc": "Additional Document", "api_connection": "API Connection", "bono_question": "How can I increase the MIAbytes limit?", "bono_text": "If you need to extend your MIAbytes limit you can contact support to request it.", "botton-portal": "Manage Subscription", "buy_button": "Buy", "cancelated": "Canceled", "cancelated_sentence": "Your subscription has been canceled", "comparator": "Price comparison", "consult": "Consult", "consult_prices": "Consult prices", "contact_support": "Contact support", "continue": "Sign up for a new plan or press 'Continue' to continue with your current subscription.", "continue_demo": "Press 'Continue' to continue with the demo.", "corporate_price": "Custom", "credits": "500.000 MIAbytes for all your legal queries, review your document templates or create them from scratch", "date-offer": "Until", "docs_1": "Up to", "docs_2": " docs/month (analyze or generate)", "euro": "€", "euro_month": "€/month*", "expirated": "Expired", "expirated_sentence": "Your subscription has reached its expiration date or there has been an error when charging for your Plan {{plan}}. Stay with us and maximize your time by automating your legal tasks with more MIAbytes. Sign up for a subscription or review your payment information to continue using MIAbogado. If you have any questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. We want to continue being your ally in your legal success.", "expiration": "Expiration: ", "expiration_demo": "Expirated: ", "free": "Free", "free_test": "Try for free", "help": "Subscription management is not available. Contact the person in charge: ", "help-finish": " to manage the subscription.", "help-init": "Contact ", "hire": "Sign up for a new plan to have full access to MIAbogado.", "improve": "Currently, you have the Free plan activated. To access all the features of MIAbogado, you need to activate a subscription.", "improve_2": "How do I activate a subscription?", "improve_3": "Select from the plan table below and provide payment information to activate a subscription.", "iva": "*VAT included", "launch_promotion": "Launch promotion", "legal_consult": "Legal Consultations", "limit-exceed": "You have reached your MIAbytes limit with your Plan {{plan}} Stay with us and maximize your time by automating your legal tasks with more MIAbytes. Hire a Voucher or the plan that best suits you to obtain more MIAbytes (this action will be applied from {{date}}), you decide. If you have any questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. We want to continue being your ally in your legal success.", "limit-exceed-demoo1": "You have reached the limit of available MIAbytes.", "limit-exceed-demoo2": "You can subscribe to a Professional or Team plan to continue using the solution. You decide which one best suits your needs.", "limit-exceed-enterprise": "", "limit-exceed_demo": "You have reached your MIAbytes limit with your Plan {{plan}}. Stay with us and maximize your time by automating your legal tasks with more MIAbytes. Hire a Voucher or the plan that best suits you to obtain more MIAbytes (this action will be applied from {{date}}), you decide. If you have any questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. We want to continue being your ally in your legal success.", "limit-exceedd": "You can subscribe to a higher plan, which will be applied in the next renewal cycle. Additionally, if you need to use the solution today, you can purchase a Bonus from MY ACCOUNT > SUBSCRIPTION.", "management_1": "Activate a new plan or switch to another plan if you want to improve or reduce it.", "management_2": "View and change payment details", "management_3": "Check the payment history in my subscription", "management_4": "View and/or download invoices", "month_price": "monthly", "next_renewal": "Next renewal: ", "next_renov": "Next renovation: ", "no_limit_docs": "No document limit/month per user", "one_user": " user", "payment_error": "An error occurred during the payment generation", "personalize": "Custom", "personalize_prices": "Consult prices", "point_1": "If you upgrade to a higher version, you will get more monthly MIAbytes. This can be done from the subscription manager.", "point_2": "Note: Please note that changing your plan to a new subscription will not be applied until the next renewal date, so if you need MIAbytes now, you can sign up for a voucher for immediate availability.", "portal": "If you want to modify the current subscription or change the payment method, press 'Modify subscription' or press 'Return' to continue with your current subscription. These changes will take effect when your current subscription ends.", "portal-swal": "Opening payment management portal", "portal-swal-error": "Error redirecting to payment management portal", "promotion_iva": "*Launch promotion valid until 31/12/2023. VAT included", "purchase_prov": "Initiating secure payment process. Please fill in the payment details below to activate your subscription.", "savestorage": "Subscription choice saved", "select": "Select a plan to continue using MIAbogado.", "seven_free_days": "30 days free", "small_title": "Plans and Prices", "table": { "columns": { "data_1": "Features", "data_2": "Free", "data_3": "Student", "data_4": "Professional", "data_5": "Team", "data_6": "Enterprise" }, "row_1": { "data_1": "Users", "data_2": "1", "data_3": "1", "data_4": "1", "data_5": "5", "data_6": "Consultation", "tooltip": "Devices with simultaneous access to MIAbogado" }, "row_10": { "data_1": "Smart Editor", "tooltip": "Complete your documents with generative AI, to add, modify, or delete sections, clauses, or stipulations. Save it as a favorite and access it whenever you need to create the perfect document." }, "row_11": { "data_1": "Automated Review (any subject)", "tooltip": "Verify the legal integrity of your legal documents and ensure compliance with current legal regulations." }, "row_12": { "data_1": "Expert Supervision", "tooltip": "We understand the challenges that legal professionals face and are committed to helping you overcome them. Our team is available in Madrid and Barcelona to provide you with the best service and support." }, "row_13": { "data_1": "Possibility of purchasing more MIAbytes", "tooltip": "You can purchase MIAbytes that allow you to create or review more documents efficiently and without complications." }, "row_14": { "data_1": "Dedicated hosting", "tooltip": "Do you want to have your own private cloud on Amazon? If for security reasons you are looking to have your MIAbogado organization on an Amazon private cloud, we can configure it for you." }, "row_15": { "data_1": "API Connections", "tooltip": "Do you need MIAbogado to be connected to your Data repository to automatically analyze documents? Through our API it is possible to interconnect any system to be able to analyze documentation, either one by one or processing large volumes of documents" }, "row_16": { "data_1": "Integration with Microsoft Office", "tooltip": "We can integrate MIAbogado with your Microsoft Office license through the Office 365 SSO Authentication Integration so you can work without complications." }, "row_17": { "data_1": "Segmented users", "tooltip": "We can configure MIAbogado to access multiple profiles with different functionalities and permissions for each of them." }, "row_18": { "data_1": "Native languages", "tooltip": "MIAbogado comes as standard configured to be able to work in Spanish, English and Portuguese. But we can include those languages you need so you can work at home." }, "row_19": { "data_1": "Templates and document preloading", "tooltip": "Load all the documents and templates you already work with so you can open them from your repository in our Smart Editor and work with them quickly and efficiently." }, "row_2": { "data_1": "MIAbytes for queries, creating and reviewing documents", "data_2": "500.000", "data_3": "500.000", "data_4": "2 Million", "data_5": "10 Million", "data_6": "Consultation", "tooltip": "MIAbytes allow you to make queries, review your document templates or create them from scratch with legal criteria." }, "row_20": { "data_1": "Document archive", "tooltip": "Generate a completely personalized document file by users and permissions, compartmentalizing the information and further increasing your security. * This functionality is linked to that of Segmented Users." }, "row_21": { "data_1": "Document validator", "tooltip": "Generate parameterized models that allow you to automatically review large volumes of documentation against a previously set standard. * This functionality can be linked to Connections." }, "row_22": { "data_1": "Data Packets", "tooltip": "Assign and limit the volumes of use and consumption of MIAbogado data by users and departments for total control. * This functionality can be linked to that of Segmented Users." }, "row_23": { "data_1": "International regulatory frameworks", "tooltip": "MIAbogado is configured by default with the Spanish regulatory framework, but it can be customized for any international legal framework. Ask us for yours!" }, "row_3": { "data_1": "Legal Consultations", "data_2": "Unlimited", "data_3": "Unlimited", "data_4": "Unlimited", "data_5": "Unlimited", "data_6": "Unlimited", "tooltip": "Resolve any legal query. Just write your question or speak to it (by clicking on the microphone button)." }, "row_4": { "data_1": "Create Documents", "tooltip": "Create contracts, reports, proposals, policies, plans, agreements, minutes of general shareholders' meetings, or any type of legal documentation from scratch." }, "row_5": { "data_1": "Document Review (Compliance)", "tooltip": "Contrast your documentation in the field of Data Protection, Compliance, Criminal, Privacy, Security, and Money Laundering with Spanish and European regulations; Information Security Standards." }, "row_6": { "data_1": "Possibility of purchasing 10 M of MIAbytes", "tooltip": "You can purchase MIAbytes that allow you to create or review more documents efficiently and hassle-free." }, "row_7": { "data_1": "Normative Observatory Service", "tooltip": "It's like having a compliance meteorologist in your pocket, but instead of predicting rain or sunshine, it tells you exactly what you need to know about changes in regulations." }, "row_8": { "data_1": "Legal Rating (any subject)", "tooltip": "Get an objective assessment of legal aspects in various areas of law, so you can make better-informed decisions." }, "row_9": { "data_1": "eRadar Service", "tooltip": "You can consult reports by articles most sanctioned by country, industry, type of company so you can anticipate risks and potential threats of interest." } }, "title": "Find the ideal plan for your business", "title_manage": "Want to upgrade your subscription to one with more MIAbytes?", "users": " users", "what-are-you-do": "What can you do?" }, "quality": { "analyzing_defense": "Analyzing document defense...", "analyzing_level": "Analyzing defense level...", "changing_level": "Changing defense level...", "defense_complete": "Defense process completed", "evaluating": "Quality evaluation is not yet available for this type of document", "not_prev_doc": "There are no documents that have previously passed the defense analysis, please try again when the analysis has passed" }, "register": { "account_exist_1": "Already have an account?", "account_exist_2": "Log In", "blawyer-title": "Exclusive to the B-Lawyer community", "change-password": "Reset password", "communication": "I accept receiving commercial communications from Ecuaciones Legales S.L.U", "company_not_free": "Company name already in use", "company_validator1": "Company name is required.", "confilegal_1": "Exclusively for Confilegal readers:", "create_account": "Create Account", "created-account": "Created account", "creating_account": "Creating account ...", "cumplen-title": "Exclusive for #REDCUMPLEN", "data_protection_1": "I have read and accept the ", "data_protection_2": "Data Protection Policy", "data_protection_3": " and the ", "data_protection_4": "Terms and Conditions of Use", "elconfidencial_1": "Exclusively for El Confidencial readers:", "elconfidencial_2": "Try MIAbogado and make legal consultations for a month, use the free initial MIAbytes to create or review documents with Legal Rating in any subject and enjoy the Regulatory Observatory to know the changes in regulations before anyone else.", "email": "Email", "email_not_free": "Email already in use", "email_validator1": "Email is required.", "email_validator2": "Email must be valid.", "gerico_1": "Exclusively for Gerico users", "gerico_2": "Try MIAbogado and make legal consultations for a month, use the free initial MIAbytes to create or review documents with Legal Rating in any subject and enjoy the Regulatory Observatory to know the changes in regulations before anyone else.", "init-password": "Reset password", "item1_content": "Create your account now and start handling legal queries, creating, and reviewing legal documents with the virtual assistant you've always wanted.", "item1_title": "Get Started Immediately", "item2_content": "Eliminate costly human errors and sleepless nights with the legal assistant that works around the clock, 24 hours a day.", "item2_title": "Don't Miss More Opportunities", "item3_content": "Assess legal risks and vulnerabilities today and ensure regulatory compliance in multiple areas to stay ahead of your competition.", "item3_title": "Avoid Non-Compliance Penalties", "name_company": "Company Name", "not-match": "Passwords do not match", "password": "Password", "password-new": "New Password", "password-repeat": "Repeat password", "password_validator1": "Password must be at least 4 characters.", "password_validator2": "Password must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.", "password_validator3": "Password is required.", "plan_selected": "Selected plan: ", "price_plan": "Price: ", "privacy_polity": "You must accept the privacy policy", "reseting": "Generating link", "send-email": "Send", "sending-mail": "Sending mail", "sent-mail": "Sent mail", "title": "Create your MIAbogado account" }, "report_pbc": { "choose_weight": "Choose weight to filter out the most dangerous clients", "clients": "Clients", "filter_report": "Set the filters you want to apply to generate the report", "generate_report": "Generate report", "generating_report": "Generating report...", "management": "Management", "managementyy": "", "pbc": "PBC", "recomendations": "", "recommendations": "If you wish, you can indicate the conclusions or recommendations that you want to add to the end of the report", "recover_report": "Recovering report...", "report_error": "Report generated but an error occurred while saving the findings", "report_of": "Report of", "write_here": "Write text here..." }, "report_quality": { "add_files": "Include files", "alphabetic_1": "Alphabetic ↑", "alphabetic_2": "Alphabetic ↓", "classif_1": "Classification ↑", "classif_2": "Classification ↓", "compiance_report": "Compliance report", "defense_level_1": "Defense level ↑", "defense_level_2": "Defense level ↓", "experts_management": "", "generate_executive": "Generate executive report", "generating_detail_1": "Generate detailed report with ", "generating_detail_2": "documents", "grouped_by": "Grouped by", "list_not_apply": "Check this option if you want the criteria marked as NOT APPLY to be listed", "mark_option": "Check this option if you want localized documents to be listed to meet each control", "not_apply_criterion": "Include criteria marked NOT APPLY", "order_docs": "Document ordering criteria:", "report_limit_1": "This report is limited to a maximum of ", "report_limit_2": " documents. You can generate the report with the ", "report_limit_3": " first documents or generate the executive report", "report_success": "Compliance report generated successfully", "select_matter": "Select subjects...", "unique_docs": "Unique documents to include in the report:", "write_here": "Write text here..." }, "repositories": { "account": "Account: ", "actions": "Actions", "add": "+ Add", "analysis_date": "You are going to retrieve the analysis date", "analysis_recover": "Analysis recovery", "analysis_time": "Analysis time", "cannot_update": "Cannot update. The model of this run does not match the current ones", "continue": "Do you want to continue with the action?", "create_exe": "Create execution", "create_exec_repo": "create a repository run", "created": "Created:", "delete": "Deleted from", "delete_1": "You are going to delete", "docs_analyzed": "Documents analyzed", "error_exec": "Error creating execution", "exe_date": "execution with date", "exec_deleted": "You have deleted the execution with date:", "folder_analyzed": "Folders analyzed", "last_analysis": "Last analyses", "last_update": "Last update", "limit_2": "To scan a repository you must wait", "limit_2limit_2": "", "limit_exceeded": "You have reached your request limit to Microsoft", "loading_data": "Loading data from the last run...", "minutes": "a few minutes", "new_exe": "+ New execution", "new_exec": "A new execution is being created that scans your sharepoint from scratch. Do you want to continue?", "nextVersion": "Available in next version", "no_exec": "No executions", "not_available": "Model not available", "open_repo_1": "Already exists", "open_repo_2": "A repository with url: ", "open_repo_3": "already exists", "open_repo_4": " Perform an action ", "recover_analysis": "Recovery analysis", "recover_exe": "recover a run from the repository", "repo_date": "the repository with date", "repo_deleted": "You have deleted the repository with date:", "route": "Route:", "searching_repo_1": "Searching repository", "searching_repo_2": "Searching and opening repository runs", "seconds": " seconds", "show_analyzed": "View analyzed folders", "show_less": "See less" }, "resource-center": { "cat02": "Subscription", "cat04": "Bonds", "cat05": "Consult MIA", "cat06": "Smart Editor", "cat07": "Document review", "cat08": "Compliance Reviewer", "consulta": { "faq01-description": "You can have a legal consultation with MIAbogado by writing your questions on the text board or using the microphone button to dictate them. MIAbogado will answer your questions based on current regulations and jurisprudence.", "faq01-title": "How do I get legal advice from MIAbogado?", "faq02-description": "You can ask MIAbogado questions in any language. The platform is designed to understand and respond to legal queries in multiple languages.", "faq02-title": "In what languages can I ask MIAbogado questions?", "faq03-description": "You can ask questions about any legal scope, including criminal, labor, commercial, tax law, among others. Furthermore, you can ask about specific articles of any regulation.", "faq03-title": "What types of questions can I ask MIAbogado?" }, "contact": "Contact us", "editor": { "faq01-description01": "To draft a legal document, follow these steps:", "faq01-description02": "1) Indicate the type of document you need.", "faq01-description03": "2) The editor will open with a first eraser where you can add details and criteria.", "faq01-description04": "3) Reclassify the material or type of document if necessary.", "faq01-description05": "4) Add your criteria in the text or in the Requirements button.", "faq01-description06": "5) Use the “+” button to create the text for each section of the document.", "faq01-description07": "6) Review the document to ensure that it meets all regulatory criteria.", "faq01-description08": "7) Download, export or save your document in the repository.", "faq01-title": "How do I write a legal document with MIAbogado?", "faq02-description": "Documents in MIAbogado are classified automatically according to the query or prompt you enter. You can reclassify the document to another subject or type if it is more suitable for your purpose using the drop-down option in the editor.", "faq02-title": "How are documents classified in MIAbogado?" }, "eradar": { "faq01-description": "The eRadar is a functionality that monitors sanctions issued by bodies and supervisory authorities, detecting risks of sanctions in terms of Data Protection, Compliance, Criminal, Privacy, Security and Capital Blanking of Spanish and regulatory europea. Provides information on the most sanctioned articles by country, industry and type of company.", "faq01-title": "What is the eRadar in MIAbogado?", "faq02-description": "Click on the top menu on the eRadar icon to open a section on the right side. This section shows the security level of your company according to the shared documents and information from the Compliance Reviewer.", "faq02-title": "How do I access eRadar on MIAbogado?" }, "faq-title": "Frequently asked questions", "faq01-description": "MIAbytes are consumed every time you perform an action in MIAbogado, such as uploading and reviewing documents, making queries to MIA, or using the Smart Editor to draft documents. The number of MIAbytes consumed varies depending on the complexity and duration of the task.", "faq01-title": "How are my MIAbytes consumed?", "faq02-description": "You can purchase a bonus with more MIAbytes from your user panel, selecting the corresponding option in the plan upgrade section. Once you purchase a bonus, the MIAbytes will be immediately available for use. You have a full year to consume the bonus MIAbytes, which gives you flexibility to use them according to your needs.", "faq02-title": "How can I purchase a bonus with more MIAbytes? How long can I use them?", "faq03-description": "Unfortunately, we cannot return MIAbytes consumed by mistake. We recommend that you carefully review your actions before confirming any process to avoid unwanted use of your MIAbytes. However, we are here to help you in case of any questions or problem you may face.", "faq03-title": "If I consume MIAbytes by mistake, can they be returned to me?", "faq04-description": "The MIAbytes included in your monthly subscription expire every 30 days and do not roll over to the next month. It is important to make the most of your MIAbytes within the validity period to get the maximum benefit from your plan. However , the bonus MIAbytes, being annual, remain available for a full year for use.", "faq04-title": "Do the MIAbytes not consumed in a month accumulate for the next month?", "faq05-description": "In the initial view, ask MIAbogado to draft the legal document you need so that it generates its structure in the editor. For example, try saying: 'Write me a processing contract applying European privacy legislation' MIAbogado will then generate the structure of this document in the smart editor. From the structure, you can add instructions for each section of the document and use the + button to tell MIAbogado to generate the content.", "faq05-title": "How to use the smart editor?", "faq06-description01": "To cancel your subscription, follow these steps:", "faq06-description02": "1) Enter MIAbogado and select “My account” in the side menu.", "faq06-description03": "2) Within your account, click on “Subscriptions”.", "faq06-description04": "3) Next, click on “Manage your subscription”.", "faq06-description05": "4) Enter your email.", "faq06-description06": "5) You will receive an email with access to your space on Stripe.", "faq06-description07": "6) Select the “Cancel Plan” option.", "faq06-title": "How do I cancel my subscription?", "faq07-description": "MIAbytes are the unit of measurement used by MIAbogado to quantify and manage the use of its services. Each action you take, such as reviewing a document or making a query, consumes a certain number of MIAbytes. This system allows users to pay only for the specific use they make of the platform.", "faq07-title": "What are MIAbytes?", "faq08-description": "By canceling your subscription, all data and documents stored on MIAbogado will be permanently deleted. It is not possible to recover this information once the subscription has been cancelled.", "faq08-title": "What happens to my data if I cancel my subscription?", "faq09-description": "No, even if you subscribe again using the same email, username or company information, it is not possible to recover the data and documents from the previous subscription. A new account will be created without prior information.", "faq09-title": "If I resubscribe after canceling, can I get my old information back?", "faq10-description": "If you consume MIAbytes by mistake, we recommend that you contact MIAbogado technical support as soon as possible. The support team will evaluate the situation and, depending on the case, will be able to offer you an appropriate solution, which could include replacement of MIAbytes consumed by error.", "faq10-title": "What happens if I consume MIAbytes by mistake?", "faq11-description01": "To better manage the use of your MIAbytes, you can:", "faq11-description02": "1) Plan and prioritize the most important tasks.", "faq11-description03": "2) Review the estimated consumption of MIAbytes before performing each task.", "faq11-description04": "3) Use the platform functions efficiently, avoiding unnecessary actions.", "faq11-description05": "4) Buy additional MIAbyte bonuses if you anticipate an increase in workload.", "faq11-title": "How can I better manage the use of my MIAbytes?", "faq12-description01": "Activities that typically consume the most MIAbytes include:", "faq12-description02": "1) The writing of complex (with several regulatory criteria) and extensive documents.", "faq12-description03": "2) The review and analysis of detailed contracts.", "faq12-description04": "3) Extensive legal consultations that require in-depth analysis.", "faq12-description05": "4) Tasks that involve the integration of multiple regulations and jurisdictions.", "faq12-title": "What activities consume the most MIAbytes?", "faq13-description": "Currently, MIAbogado does not offer plans with unlimited MIAbytes. However, we offer different subscription plans that include a significant amount of MIAbytes, as well as the option to purchase additional bonuses according to your needs.", "faq13-title": "Are there plans with unlimited MIAbytes?", "faq14-description": "The calculation of MIAbytes for long documents is based on the length of the document and the complexity of the task. The platform will provide you with an estimate of the MIAbyte consumption before performing the task, allowing you to decide whether to proceed or make adjustments to optimize the use of your MIAbytes.", "faq14-title": "How are MIAbytes calculated for long documents?", "guide-text01": "MIAbogado resolves any legal query. All you have to do is write your question or speak to him (by clicking on the microphone button).", "guide-text02": "What can you ask MIAbogado?", "guide-text03": "Legal questions in any language.", "guide-text04": "Questions about articles of any regulations.", "guide-text05": "Questions from any legal, criminal, labor, commercial, tax... area ", "guide-text06": "For example:", "guide-text07": "What is the current interpretation of copyright law regarding the use of protected works in YouTube videos?", "guide-text08": "What are the possible legal consequences if you fire an employee for poor performance?", "guide-text09": "How can I protect my copyright on the Internet?", "guide-text10": "MIAbogado allows the creation of contracts, reports, proposals, policies, plans, agreements, minutes of general shareholders meetings, or any type of legal documentation from scratch.", "guide-text11": "STEP 1:", "guide-text12": "You can ask MIAbogado directly for the type of document you need to write. You have several examples that will give you ideas to be able to tell MIAbogado the objective of the document you want to create.", "guide-text13": "STEP 2:", "guide-text14": "The editor will automatically open with a first draft of your document, to which you can enter criteria and/or details to make your document more complete.", "guide-text15": "STEP 3:", "guide-text16": "Depending on the query or prompt you have entered, the Smart Editor makes an automatic classification of the subject and type of document you are writing. If you click on the drop-down menu, you can reclassify it to another subject or type that you may be more appropriate for the purpose of the document you are creating.", "guide-text17": "STEP 4:", "guide-text18": "You can add your criteria in the text itself within each section or in the Requirements button at the top. Additionally, in the right Consultation section, you can chat with MIAbogado to request modifications to the same document.", "guide-text19": "STEP 5:", "guide-text20": "By clicking the “+” button you can create the text for each section of the document.", "guide-text21": "What type of information can I share with MIAbogado for review?", "guide-text22": "At the moment, MIAbogado reviews the documentation that you share in the regulatory frameworks regarding Data Protection, Compliance, Criminal, Privacy, Security and Money Laundering of Spanish and European regulations, in addition to the Standards Information Security (ISO27001, National Security Scheme, SWIFT, NIS2 and DORA).", "guide-text23": "How to do it?", "guide-text24": "Upload or drag your documents into the conversation. MIAbogado can analyze large volumes of documents at once, in any format and in any language.", "guide-text25": "Once the document analysis is finished, MIA will show you the result. You can view the document, if it is PDF format, by clicking on the 'View document' button or from the list of documents uploaded in 'Generated documents '", "guide-text26": "The document will open in the viewer, where it can be sorted and reviewed", "guide-text27": "", "guide-text28": "", "guide-text29": "STEP 6:", "guide-text30": "", "guide-text31": "STEP 7:", "guide-text32": "Finally, don't forget to click “Save”. You can also download the document or export to another format.", "guide-text33": "MIAbogado monitors all sanctions issued by supervisory bodies and authorities, detecting all risks of sanctions from the regulatory frameworks regarding Data Protection, Compliance, Criminal, Privacy, Security and Money Laundering of the Spanish and European regulations.", "guide-text34": "You can consult reports for articles most sanctioned by country, industry, type of company so that you can anticipate the risks and possible threats of interest to you.", "guide-text35": "The Regulatory Observatory functionality seeks to keep users informed about news, regulatory changes and other information that may be relevant to their professional practice, in the fields of Privacy, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Compliance and Banking Regulations .", "guide-text36": "How to access?", "guide-text37": "Click on the Normative Observatory icon in the top menu and confirm that you want to open a new tab.", "guide-text38": "In this new tab you can now access the news feed and the different topics.", "guide-text39": "Configure your alerts in the right menu, click on “Alerts by category” and select the topic where you can see the news related to that subject.", "guide-text40": "Next, in the footer of a news item, click on “Subscribe alert”. Mark the topic or #hashtag about which you want to receive in your email.", "guide-text41": "You can see all the topics you are following, in the upper right menu, where your name is, click on “Profile” from the drop-down menu. If you want to stop following a topic and no longer receive alerts in your email , tap “Unfollow” in the alarm list.", "guide-text42": "Table of contents", "guide-text43": "STEP 6:", "guide-text44": "In the right section 'Review' you can check that the document meets all the regulatory criteria of the subject where you have classified the document. Click on the green button on the right and MIAbogado will classify the document by colors and importance, proposes sections, clauses or specific actions to correct them.", "guide-text45": "STEP 7:", "guide-text46": "Once created, you can download your document, export to another format or save to the repository where it will be available for you to continue editing whenever you want.", "guide-text48": "Do you need to evaluate the level of regulatory compliance in each area of your company?", "guide-text49": "The new 'Compliance Reviewer' section allows you to evaluate the level of compliance in all related matters of the documentation created by MIAbogado, providing a complete and detailed view of the legal status of your business.", "guide-text50": "By clicking on any of the subjects, you will be able to know the compliance details of each document created by all the users of your company.", "guide-text51": "Do you need to evaluate a specific subject that is not shown?", "guide-text52": "Please contact us through our email address support_miabogado@miabogado.law and we will enable it as soon as possible.", "guide-text53": "When accessing a matter, the Compliance Reviewer is displayed with a list of all types of documents that must exist for full compliance in that matter, their importance and the number of documents drafted by MIAbogado.", "guide-text54": "By clicking on the document in the list that you want to consult, MIAbogado allows the editing of a document for review or reclassification.", "guide-text55": "When you click OK, the Smart Editor will open for review (follow the steps in point 2 WRITE, starting with STEP 6 to edit and review the regulatory compliance of the document you have selected).", "guide-text56": "In addition, MIAbogado allows you to write a new document if it does not exist or you want to add it to the chosen typology.", "guide-text57": "By clicking OK, the Smart Editor will open for editing. This action requires MIAbytes in your available balance (follow the steps in point 2 WRITE, starting from STEP 6 to edit and review the regulatory compliance of the document you have selected).", "guide-text58": "Click on the eRadar icon in the top menu and a section will open on the right side showing the threat level of your company according to the shared documents and the information in the Risk Matrix.", "guide-text59": "To cancel your subscription just follow these simple steps:", "guide-text60": "Enter MIAbogado and in the side menu select 'My account'.", "guide-text61": "Within your account, click 'Subscriptions'", "guide-text62": "Next, click 'Manage your subscription'.", "guide-text63": "Enter your email.", "guide-text64": "You will receive an email with access to your Stripe space.", "guide-text65": "Select the 'Cancel Plan' option.", "guide-title": "Usage guide", "guide-title01": "1. Query", "guide-title02": "2. Compose", "guide-title03": "3. My company and Compliance Reviewer", "guide-title04": "4. Review", "guide-title05": "5. eRadar", "guide-title06": "6. Regulatory Observatory", "guide-title07": "7. How to cancel my subscription", "guide-title08": "", "guide-title09": "", "handbook-description01": "Learn how to master every feature of our app with practical, easy-to-follow videos.", "handbook-description02": "Explore our webinar section and immerse yourself in exclusive content taught by industry experts.", "handbook-tab1": "Video tutorials", "handbook-tab2": "Webinars", "handbook-tutorial01": "How to review third-party contracts", "handbook-tutorial02": "How to draft and review an employment contract in Spain", "handbook-tutorial03": "How to argue the defense of divorce", "handbook-tutorial04": "How to write a complaint in minutes", "handbook-tutorial05": "How to improve the writing of your legal documents", "handbook-webinar01": "How to master MIAbogado's AI to save 80% of your time.", "help_center": "Help center", "miabogado": { "faq01-description": "MIAbogado works by using artificial intelligence models that analyze, interpret and generate legal content. Users can interact with the platform to perform various tasks, such as making legal queries, writing documents, reviewing contracts and managing your company's regulatory compliance.", "faq01-title": "How does MIAbogado work?", "faq02-description": "MIAbogado can perform a wide variety of tasks, including drafting legal documents, reviewing and analyzing contracts, consulting legal regulations, managing regulatory compliance, generating sanctions reports, and the provision of up-to-date legal information.", "faq02-title": "What types of tasks can MIAbogado perform?", "faq03-description": "MIAbogado uses advanced security measures, such as encryption of data in transit and at rest, to guarantee the protection and confidentiality of user information. In addition, it complies with privacy and data security regulations, such as the GDPR, to ensure that user data is protected.", "faq03-title": "How is the security and confidentiality of my documents guaranteed?", "faq04-description": "MIAbogado uses advanced artificial intelligence models, including natural language processing (NLP) models such as GPT-4o. These models are trained on large volumes of legal data to provide accurate analysis and generate relevant and compliant content to the regulations.", "faq04-title": "What AI models does MIAbogado use?", "faq05-description": "No, MIAbogado does not replace a human lawyer. Instead, it is designed to assist lawyers and legal professionals by providing tools and functionalities that allow them to work more efficiently. The platform automates repetitive tasks and provides detailed analysis, but legal interpretation and final decisions should always be made by a qualified legal professional.", "faq05-title": "Does MIAbogado replace a human lawyer?", "faq06-description": "MIAbogado can analyze a wide range of legal documents, including contracts, confidentiality agreements, privacy policies, terms and conditions, service agreements, corporate documents, and more. The platform is capable of reviewing and providing Compliance suggestions for various types of documents.", "faq06-title": "What types of legal documents can MIAbogado analyze?", "faq07-description": "MIAbogado has the ability to analyze documents in multiple languages ​​and dialects, such as English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Japanese, Arabic, Hindi and many others, giving you flexibility and adaptability in your legal practice. However, it is important to keep in mind that the ability to understand and create text may vary depending on the language. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any specific questions or need help. in a specific language. We will do our best to help you.", "faq07-title": "How many languages does MIAbogado support?", "faq08-description": "MIAbogado handles personal and confidential information with the utmost care, implementing security measures such as data encryption and strict access controls. The platform also complies with privacy regulations, such as the GDPR, to ensure that the User information is protected and treated in accordance with applicable laws.", "faq08-title": "How does MIAbogado handle personal and confidential information?", "faq09-description": "MIAbogado is differentiated from other virtual legal assistants by its use of advanced artificial intelligence models, its ability to handle a wide range of legal tasks, and its focus on data security and confidentiality. Additionally , offers specific functionalities such as the Compliance Reviewer and the Regulatory Observatory, which provide significant added value for users.", "faq09-title": "What differentiates MIAbogado from other virtual legal assistants?", "faq10-description": "MIAbogado can provide fast and accurate responses to legal queries, based on available information and regulations. However, it should not be considered a substitute for the personalized, real-time legal advice that a human lawyer can provide , especially in complex cases.", "faq10-title": "Can MIAbogado provide legal advice in real time?" }, "observatorio": { "faq01-description": "The Normative Observatory is a functionality that keeps users informed about news, regulatory changes and other relevant information in the fields of Privacy, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Compliance and Banking Regulations.", "faq01-title": "What is the Normative Observatory in MIAbogado?", "faq02-description01": "1) Click on the Normative Observatory icon in the top menu.", "faq02-description02": "2) Confirm that you want to open a new eyelash.", "faq02-description03": "3) On your new eyelash, access the news and theme feed.", "faq02-description04": "4) Configure your alerts in the right menu, selecting the categories you are interested in.", "faq02-title": "How do I access the Observatorio Normativo in MIAbogado?", "faq03-description01": "1) In the right menu, click on 'Alerts by category'.", "faq03-description02": "2) Select the topic or #hashtag about which you want to receive alerts.", "faq03-description03": "3) On the news page, press 'Subscribe alert'.", "faq03-description04": "4) To see if you want to follow a topic, access your profile in the top menu and manage your alerts.", "faq03-title": "How do I configure alerts in the Normative Observatory?" }, "prompts01-text": "Write an indefinite employment contract, contracting company ECIX, hired person José Luis Gil, subject of the contract programming tasks in HTML, schedule Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., 1 hour for lunch, 2 days of teleworking per week, 25 days of vacation per year, Spanish regulations, Madrid courts, gross annual salary €50,000, variable salary €10,000 depending on company results, place of work in the offices at Paseo Castellana 55 4ºA. ", "prompts01-title": "Indefinite employment contract", "prompts02-text": "Draft a contract for the provision of services, contracting company ECIX S.L., contracted company XXXXXXX S.L., object of the contract for provision of advisory services and maintenance of computer equipment, duration of service 6 months, price of service €4,500 per month, place of provision of the service, ECIX S.L. office at 88 Lagasca Street, staff assigned to the provision of the service 2 consultants, hours of provision of the service from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Spanish regulations, courts of Madrid.", "prompts02-title": "Service Provision Agreement", "prompts03-text": "Write a Minute of the general meeting, attendees: José Luis Fernández, María Gómez, Roberto Gil, Sandra Pérez, Luis Cano, approval of accounts 2022, approval of budget 2023, closing of the Colombian delegation, opening of the new Mexico delegation, dismissal of general secretary Luis Cano, appointment of new general secretary, Roberto Gil, entry of new shareholders with 20%.", "prompts03-title": "General meeting minutes", "prompts04-text1": "Write a lawsuit against Constructora XXXX S.A., plaintiff José Miguel Pérez, lawsuit for a work accident, resulting from the accident, injuries with 45% disability, the accident occurred on July 2, 2023, at the work site that company has Avenida Rey Juan Carlos 12 in Leganés, the worker fell from a third floor without taking into account the safety measures of the work, the construction company does not provide the necessary safety measures to the workers, the worker was hired part-time When he was working full time, €250,000 in compensation was claimed from the worker, the closure of the work and a penalty of €250,000 from the company as it had a similar history in other previous works.", "prompts04-text2": "Write a claim for damages due to a work-related accident resulting in death, contracting company XXXXXX S.A., contracted worker Miguel Ángel Pérez, place of work-related accident Madrid, reason for death the worker suffers an accident with a fall in the work at Calle Mayor 12 in Madrid, Spanish regulations, Madrid courts.", "prompts04-title": "Demand", "prompts05-text": "Write an Equality Plan for the company XXXXXXX S.A.", "prompts05-title": "Equality Plan", "prompts06-text": "Draft a municipal waste management ordinance according to the 2020 agenda.", "prompts06-title": "Municipal Ordinance", "prompts07-text": "How many days of leave does a hospitality worker have due to marriage according to the Córdoba hospitality agreement.", "prompts07-title": "Labor Consultation", "prompts08-text": "Draft a real estate rental contract with the right to purchase, seller ECIX S.L., buyer Yolanda Rodríguez, property located at Castellana 12 4ºA, property in perfect condition unfurnished, rental price €2,600 per month, term to execute the purchase 36 monthly payments, total sale price of the property €1,250,000, Spanish regulations, Madrid courts.", "prompts08-title": "Rental contract with the right to purchase", "prompts09-text": "Can a person of Brazilian nationality and with a work visa send their children to school in Madrid in public and subsidized schools?", "prompts09-title": "Schooling query", "prompts10-text": "What is the suitability according to the general data protection regulation of the implementation of the use of fingerprint as an authentication method in a mobile application for a healthcare company.", "prompts10-title": "Query + Report", "prompts11-text": "The rider cannot ride a motorcycle or practice extreme sports. The rider must allocate at least 2 hours per grand prize to marketing and promotional activities with sponsors.", "prompts11-title": "Formula 1 Driver Contract", "prompts12-text1": "ECIX may resell the tools to software distributors so that they can sell them to third parties.", "prompts12-text2": "ECIX can develop its own risk management tool while the contract with XYZ S.L. continues", "prompts12-text3": "CHAT: How much time does ECIX have to give notice to terminate the contract?", "prompts12-title": "Software Distribution Agreement", "prompts13-text1": "· Is it mandatory to have ISO 27001 to provide the service? (p.22) YES", "prompts13-text2": "· Is it mandatory to have ISO 27017 to provide the service? (p.25) YES", "prompts13-text3": "· Is the warranty period 3 years? (p.29) NO", "prompts13-text4": "· Can I use my company's image for advertising purposes? (p.34) NO", "prompts13-text5": "· What is the maximum amount of the file? (p.35) €90,000", "prompts13-text6": "· Is the amount of the extensions €65,000? (p.35) It is NOT €56,000", "prompts13-text7": "· What penalty is applied for delays in communicating problems or risks during project execution? (p.52)", "prompts13-text8": "· What is the frequency with which complaints and claims are measured? (p.62) MONTHLY ID415 and ID703", "prompts13-title": "Document", "resource-box1-subtitle": "Find out how to use MIAbogado quickly.", "resource-box1-title": "Usage Guide", "resource-box2-subtitle": "Detailed information to control MIAbogado thoroughly.", "resource-box2-title": "Tutorials", "resource-box3-subtitle": "Examples for writing documents with MIAbogado.", "resource-button-subscription": "Go to usage guide", "resource-contact": "Do you have any questions?", "resource-contact-button": "Contact now", "resource-contact-text": "If you do not find what you are looking for, you can contact our technical service, we will try to clarify your doubts as soon as possible.", "revisa": { "faq01-description": "You can review a document uploaded to the platform. MIAbogado will analyze the document and show you the result, indicating compliance with applicable regulatory frameworks. You can view, classify and review the document on the display.", "faq01-title": "How can I review a document with MIAbogado?", "faq02-description": "You can share any document that needs to be revised within the regulatory frameworks for Data Protection, Compliance, Criminal, Privacy, Security and Capital Blanking of Spanish and European regulations, in addition to the Security Standards Information (ISO27001, National Security Scheme, SWIFT, NIS2 and DORA).", "faq02-title": "What type of information can I share with MIAbogado for review?", "faq03-description": "Upload or drag your documents into the conversation. MIAbogado can analyze large volumes of documents at a time, in any format and in any language. Once the analysis is complete, you can view the document and review its classification and compliment.", "faq03-title": "How do documents be submitted to MIAbogado for revision?" }, "revisor": { "faq01-description": "The Compliance Reviewer is a tool that allows you to evaluate the level of regulatory compliance in different areas of your company. It shows a list of all types of documents necessary for full compliance in a matter, their importance and el number of redacted documents.", "faq01-title": "What is the Compliance Reviewer at MIAbogado?", "faq02-description01": "1) Access the 'Compliance Reviewer' section and select the subject you wish to evaluate.", "faq02-description02": "2) The Compliance Reviewer will show you the compliance detail of each document created.", "faq02-description03": "3) You can edit or reclassify documents.", "faq02-description04": "4) Write new documents if necessary using the Smart Editor.", "faq02-title": "How can I use the Compliance Reviewer?" }, "technical-documentation": "Technical documentation and compliance", "terms": "Terms and conditions" }, "resource_center": { "analysis_1": "The defense of all documents will be analyzed for ", "analysis_2": "Do you want to continue?", "connect_repo": "How to connect my information repository (enterprise version)", "defense_analysis": "Defense analysis", "defense_level": "How to evaluate the defense level", "info": "Page dedicated to teaching, through videos, the main MIA processes.", "manual_en": "English", "manual_es": "Spanish", "manual_info": "Detailed information to control MIA thoroughly.", "manual_name": "Quick User Guide - ", "manual_pt": "Portuguese", "manuals": "Manuals", "resource_center": "Help Center", "risk_map": "How to create a risk map" }, "risk_matrix": { "risk-saction": "Sanction Risk", "riskk": "Risk", "threat": "Threat", "vulnerability": "Vulnerability" }, "sanction": { "amount_sanction": "Sanction amount", "article": "article", "authority": "Controlling authority", "autority": "", "date": "DATE", "entity": "sanctioned entity", "headquarter": "CONTROL BODY HEADQUARTERS", "impact": "qualitative impact", "law": "law", "location": "COMPANY LOCATION", "sector": "SECTOR", "show_detail": "View detail", "size": "COMPANY SIZE", "summary": "Summary", "type": "PROCEDURE TYPE", "type_fail": "TYPE OF FAILURE OR RESOLUTION" }, "search_doc": { "daemon_repo": "This repository is daemon", "date_init": "Date the analysis started", "loading_data": "Loading data from repository...", "loading_womb_1": "Loading risk matrix...", "loading_womb_2": "Loading risk matrix", "one_shot": "Sharepoint OneShot: cannot refresh. Click to see scanned folders", "operations": "Laundering: Operations", "refresh_analysis": "Refresh analysis", "search_folder": "Searching for scanned folders..." }, "sharepoint": { "anaysis_refresh": "The analysis has been refreshed, : were found", "change_time": "Complete: analysis of all documents of a site", "complete": "Complete: analysis of all documents of a site", "credentials_info": "Make sure the credentials are correct", "credentials_inv": "Invalid credentials", "new_file": "new file", "new_files": "new files", "no_one_exe": "There is no execution to refresh", "not_exec": "There is no last execution to show the analyzed folders", "oneshot": "Complete: analysis of all documents of a site", "question_sharepoint": "To update the analysis, MIA will connect to the repository to look for new documents and update the analysis, are you sure you want to perform this action", "recovered_analysis": "Analysis recovered", "refresh": "Refresh an execution from the repository", "refresh_error": "Error refreshing execution: ", "repo_not_found": "Repository not found", "revise_url": "Review the repository URL and try again", "scan_error": "Error scanning the repository", "total_docs": "Total documents", "update_analysis": "Update repository analysis" }, "sidebar": { "account": "Account", "accounts": "Accounts", "close_session": "Close session", "editor": "Smart editor", "helpdesk": "HelpDesk", "last_sanctions": "Last Sanctions", "manage_accounts": "Manage accounts", "manage_experts": "Manage experts", "manage_operations": "Manage operations", "manage_partners": "Manage partners", "manage_people": "Manage people", "manage_records": "Manage records", "manage_users": "Manage users", "my_account": "My account", "my_company": "Compliance reviewer", "my_profile": "My profile", "new_analysis": "Home", "new_operation": "New operation", "operations": "Operations", "partner": "Partner", "records": "Records", "repositories": "Repositories", "resources_center": "Help center", "retrieve_analysis": "Retrieve analysis", "revisor": "Legal Reviewer (Beta)", "revisor_info": "As an MIAbogado client, you can try the legal supervisor, Beta version. Please note that it is a prototype currently in testing. If something fails... it's because we are working on it!", "revisor_tpc": "TPC Reviewer (Beta)", "revisor_tpc_info": "As a MIAbogado client, you can try the Third Party Compliance legal supervisor (vendor homologation), Beta version. Keep in mind that this is a prototype currently undergoing testing, so if something fails, it may be because we are fixing it! What can you do? Define an evaluation form and the checklist questions that we would send to a vendor. The vendor can attach a document or evidence that meets that requirement, which will be reviewed by MIA.", "risk_matrix": "", "search_person": "Search person", "super_admin": "Super admin", "support": "Support", "test_it": "I want to try it!" }, "sidebar_chat_conver": { "available": "Available", "busy": "Busy", "connected": "Connected", "connecting_expert": "Connecting with expert", "disconnected": "Disconnected", "typing": " is typing", "user_not_available": "User is not available", "write_message": "Write your message" }, "subscription": { "corporate": { "description": "For Large Teams", "function": "For organizations looking to automate their custom legal functions and expert supervision.", "item_title": "What includes?" }, "credit-voucher": { "description": "Voucher of {{credits}} extra MIAbytes to use with your subscription" }, "demo": { "description": "Try now", "function": "For people who need to save 80% of their time on legal tasks.", "item_title": "Experiment now with AI to:", "item_title1": "Smart Editor", "item_title2": "Legal Rating (any subject)", "item_title3": "Automated visé (any subject)" }, "enterprise": { "description": "For large teams", "function": "For organizations that want to automate their custom legal functions and expert oversight.", "item_title": "Everything about the Team, plus:", "loose_item_1": "Templates and document preloading", "loose_item_2": "Segmented users", "loose_item_3": "Native languages", "loose_item_4": "Dedicated hosting and API connection", "loose_item_5": "Expert Supervision" }, "polling": { "error": "MIAbogado cannot function without subscription data. Please contact the page administrator" }, "professional": { "description": "For professionals", "function": "For people who need all the power of MIAbogado's AI.", "item_title": "Everything about Free, more:", "loose_item_1": "2 million MIAbytes/month for all your legal consultations, review your document templates or create them from scratch.", "loose_item_2": "Regulatory Observatory Service", "loose_item_3": "eRadar Service" }, "student": { "description": "For students", "function": "For people who need to automate processes in legal tasks.", "item_title": "What's included?", "loose_item_1": "MIAbytes purchase available" }, "team": { "description": "For small teams", "function": "For teams that create and collaborate on legal tasks across the organization.", "item_title": "Everything about Professional, plus:", "loose_item_1": "{{paramTranslation}} users at a time", "loose_item_2": "10 million MIAbytes/month" } }, "tab_associated": { "account": "Account", "active": "Active", "actual": "Actual", "analyzed": "analyzed", "create_account": "Create account", "created": "created", "dashboard_stat": "Dashboard statistics by account", "date_creation": "Creation", "date_last_renewal": "Last renewal", "doc_month": "Monthly documents", "error": "Error", "last_date": "Last date", "lostShoppingCart": "Lost in shopping cart", "main": "Main", "manage_accounts": "Manage associated accounts", "not_data": "There is no data", "options": "Options", "prod": "Prod", "statistics_data": "Statistics data updated to ", "total": "total", "total_doc": "Total documents", "users": "Users" }, "terms_conditions": { "p1": "It is like a 'user manual' that regulates everything related to access, navigation and use of our website. We are ECUACIONES LEGALES, S.L.U. and through our website, we offer you access to the incredible world of MIAbogado, which you can find at the following addresses: hunter.miaintelligence.com and miabogado.law, we will call them 'web' or 'website'. We want you to know that by accessing, browsing and using our website, you are accepting the terms that are mentioned in this Legal Notice.", "section1_content": "We are ECUACIONES LEGALES, S.L.U., a company with address at Calle de Lagasca 88, 7º Planta 28001 Madrid, with NIF B-87690210 and duly registered in the Commercial Registry with Volume 14995, Folio 1, Section 8 and Sheet M249992. For brevity, we will call ourselves “MIAbogado”. As a user of this website, we will call you “User” until you tell us more about yourself. We would love to be in contact with you, so please do not hesitate to write to us at support_miabogado @ecix.tech.", "section1_title": "1. Let's introduce ourselves", "subtitle": "In this section, we explain everything you need to know about the Legal Notice and our Privacy Policy.", "text01": "It is like a 'user manual' that regulates everything related to access, navigation and use of our website. We are ECUACIONES LEGALES, S.L.U. and through our website, we offer you access to the incredible world of MIAbogado, which you can find at the following addresses: hunter.miaintelligence.com and miabogado.law, we will call them 'web' or 'website'.", "text02": "We want you to know that by accessing, browsing and using our website, you are accepting the terms mentioned in this Legal Notice.", "text03": "Let's introduce ourselves", "text04": "We are ECUACIONES LEGALES, S.L.U., a company with address at Calle de Lagasca 88, 7º Planta 28001 Madrid, with NIF B-87690210 and duly registered in the Commercial Registry with Volume 14995, Folio 1, Section 8 and Sheet M249992. For short, we will be called 'MYLawyer'.", "text05": "As a user of this website, we will call you 'User' until you tell us more about yourself. We would love to keep in touch with you, so please do not hesitate to write to us at", "text06": "soporte_miabogado@miabogado.law", "text07": "How to use our Website responsibly", "text08": "At MIAbogado, we believe in the importance of responsible and ethical use of our platform. We want your experience here to be safe and beneficial. Here are some important guidelines to follow:", "text09": "Your Responsibilities as a user:", "text10": "Always be sure to act in accordance with the law, ethics and respect for others.", "text11": "Do not damage our website or the systems that make it work. Do not try to introduce viruses or other harmful programs.", "text12": "Do not try to access, use or manipulate data that does not belong to you, whether from Ecuaciones Legales, our suppliers or other users.", "text13": "Do not copy, distribute, modify or reproduce our content without our prior authorization. We want to protect our intellectual and industrial property rights.", "text14": "Our Commitments:", "text15": "We will investigate and report any activity that violates our guidelines or the law.", "text16": "We will cooperate with authorities in the investigation of inappropriate or illegal behavior.", "text17": "From time to time, we may temporarily suspend access to the website to carry out maintenance or improvements. We will always inform you in advance if this happens.", "text18": "Remember that the way you use our Website is important to keep it safe and useful for everyone. If you have any questions or need help, do not hesitate to contact us. Your peace of mind and security are essential to us .", "text19": "Our intellectual and industrial property rights", "text20": "Our website is governed by Spanish laws and international regulations related to intellectual and industrial property. Everything you see on our site, such as texts, images and logos, is protected by copyright laws and trademarks.", "text21": "Don't worry, this does not affect your ability to use our website. It simply means that you cannot copy, modify or distribute anything you find here without first obtaining our written permission.", "text22": "It is also important that you know that any reference to names and trademarks, whether of Ecuaciones Legales or other companies, cannot be used without our consent or that of the legitimate owners.", "text23": "If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you.", "text24": "Responsibilities and guarantees", "text25": "At MIAbogado, our commitment is to provide you with a reliable and useful service. However, it is important that you understand that, due to the diversity of professionals and content available, we cannot guarantee all of the following aspects:", "text26": "Content Continuity: Although we do our best to keep our content up to date and available, there may be temporary interruptions due to maintenance or improvements. We will always inform you in advance if this happens.", "text27": "Accuracy and Errors: We work diligently to provide accurate and error-free information on our site. However, occasionally, occasional errors may occur. If you notice any incorrect information, please let us know so we can correct it immediately. ", "text28": "Online Security: While we have implemented advanced security measures, no online platform is completely invulnerable. We are committed to protecting your data and preventing the transmission of viruses or other harmful elements.", "text29": "Usefulness and Performance: We strive to offer you useful and efficient services. We always seek to improve your experience at MIAbogado. Your opinion is valuable to us.", "text30": "Compliance with Conditions and Rules: We expect all users to respect our conditions, rules and instructions. If you discover illegal content or content that infringes intellectual or industrial property rights, please notify us immediately so we can take appropriate measures.", "text31": "At MIAbogado, we have taken all necessary measures to ensure the operation of the site and protect our users. Your safety and satisfaction are our priorities. We are always here to help you. If at any time you become aware of the presence of content that you consider illicit, illegal or that goes against the laws, or that could infringe intellectual and industrial property rights, we encourage you to inform us immediately. We are committed to taking the necessary measures to address the situation appropriately. appropriate.", "text32": "MIAbogado works as a legal assistant and its Users are responsible for the use they make. We will not assume any responsibility derived from the use of the system nor for the legal services or advisory actions carried out by the User based on My lawyer.", "text33": "Cookie Policy", "text34": "At the moment MIAbogado does not use cookies.", "text35": "Privacy policy", "text36": "Your Information is safe with us", "text37": "We know that your privacy is important, that's why we want you to have peace of mind when using MIAbogado. Here we explain how we handle your personal data:", "text38": "Who is responsible for your data?", "text39": "Ecuaciones Legales is the entity responsible for the collection and processing of your data. Our address is Calle de Lagasca, 88, 7º Planta 28001 Madrid, with NIF B-87690210. If you need to contact us, you can do so by email electronic", "text40": "soporte_miabogado@miabogado.law", "text41": "We use your data securely", "text42": "When you use MIAbogado, your personal data is collected and processed automatically. We want you to have peace of mind knowing that your data is protected.", "text43": "What do we use your data for?", "text44": "Keep in touch: We use your data to maintain effective communication with you and manage the queries you make to us through the contact forms on our website. The data we collect includes professional identification and location information, such as your name, surname, email, company where you work and your position. You provide these data directly in the forms.", "text45": "Commercial communications: Unless you tell us otherwise when you provide us with your personal data, or when you receive each of our communications, we will send you periodic commercial communications related to MIAbogado, based on our legitimate interest in promoting the activity of MIAbogado. We will do this through means such as email, SMS and other similar data.", "text46": "If you do not wish to receive this kind of content, please let us know by writing to", "text47": "privacidad@miabogado.law", "text48": "Contract, activate and offer the MIAbogado functionalities: We use your data to manage the activation of your license to use the system. The data we collect includes the data already described and, in addition, the user ID and the history navigation and interactions carried out with MIAbogado. Information regarding the payment methods used by each user to contract their license will also be processed (if payment data is incorporated, we will never know it in detail, since it is processed by the payment gateway with which we work, and about which you can find more information in ", "text49": "this web page", "text50": "Maintain the system and prevent fraud: we will process all the data already described to detect and resolve any incident that may occur in the use of MIABogado, based on our legitimate interest in guaranteeing lawful use and in accordance with the Terms and conditions of use.", "text51": "Analyze usage statistics.", "text52": "Your Data, our responsibility", "text53": "We want you to know that we do not share your data with third parties.", "text54": "How long do we keep your data?", "text55": "We keep your data as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. If you do not request its deletion, we will keep it for the corresponding legal periods, taking into account the nature of the data and the purpose of its processing .", "text56": "What information must you provide?", "text57": "When we collect personal data through our web forms, it is important that you complete at least the fields marked with an asterisk (*). If you do not do so, we may not be able to carry out certain actions that require this. information.", "text58": "It is essential that the data you provide us is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You are responsible for any damage that may arise from providing incorrect or incomplete information.", "text59": "Your rights over your data", "text60": "You have the right to access, correct and delete your personal data, as well as to oppose or limit its processing. You can also request the portability of your data and withdraw your consent at any time.", "text61": "To exercise these rights, you can contact us by sending an email to", "text62": "or by writing to our postal address: Calle de Lagasca, 88, 7º Planta 28001 Madrid.", "text63": "If you feel that we have not treated your data in accordance with your rights, you can file a claim with the Control Authority competent in data protection, which is the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.aepd.es) .", "text64": "Duration and Changes to Our Terms", "text65": "At MIAbogado, we always seek to improve to offer you the best service. Therefore, we want to inform you about how we handle changes to our terms and conditions:", "text66": "How will we inform you of changes?", "text67": "When we make changes to our terms and conditions, we will publish them right here, in this Legal Notice. We will also inform you through communications addressed to Users.", "text68": "Effectiveness of our terms", "text69": "Our terms and conditions are valid while they are visible on our website. If we make changes, the updated version will apply from that moment on.", "text70": "Our flexibility", "text71": "We want to assure you that, if necessary, we can terminate, suspend or interrupt access to our content at any time, without prior notice and without you being able to demand any compensation. At MIAbogado, we are here to provide you with a service reliable and simple. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you.", "text72": "Important details", "text73": "We want you to have all the information you need to use MIAbogado with confidence. Here are some key details:", "text74": "The titles and headings of the different sections are only to help you navigate more easily, and do not change or affect the meaning of our Legal Notice.", "text75": "If any part of this Legal Notice is not valid or enforceable under law, it will not affect the other parts which will remain valid. Furthermore, if at any time we decide not to enforce any of our rights or provisions, that does not mean that we waive them, unless we agree in writing.", "text76": "We want you to feel comfortable using our platform, and we are here to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for trusting us!", "text77": "Applicable Law and Jurisdiction", "text78": "At MIAbogado, we want everything to be clear and simple. Therefore, we inform you that any relationship between Ecuaciones Legales and you will be subject to Spanish laws. Furthermore, in the event of any dispute, both parties agree to submit it to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply. Your peace of mind is important to us.", "text79": "Version for Legal Professionals", "text80": "At MIAbogado, we understand the importance of clarity and accessibility of information. However, we know that sometimes, it is essential to access complete legal details. If you are a legal professional and wish to consult the most detailed information about our Legal Notice and Privacy Policy, you can obtain the complete document in PDF format by clicking on the following link:", "text81": "Download PDF.", "text82": "We are here to offer you all the information you need.", "title": "Legal notice and privacy policy", "title02": "Terms and conditions of use" }, "tree_one_shot": { "analyzing": "Analyzing sharepoint...", "connecting": "Connecting to the sharepoint site to retrieve its folder listing. This operation may take a few seconds. You can then navigate through the folder structure and select the specific directory you want the scan to be performed on", "last_exe_folder": " Last Exe Folders", "repo_tree": "Repository Tree: ", "showing_hide": "Show hidden folders" }, "upload_document": { "consume_sentence": "It looks like you want to upload {{files}} documents.", "consumeone_sentence": "It looks like you want to upload 1 document.", "document_procesed": "Document processed and updated successfully.", "failed_upload": "File upload failed", "pvp_aditional": "For each document once the limit has been exceeded, {{pvp}} Euros will be charged", "pvp_aditional_total": "The amount will be {{pvp}} Euros.", "title": "Upload documents", "uploading": "Uploading document" }, "user_account": { "account": "Account", "account_config": "Account configuration", "account_edited": "The account has been edited", "activate_plan": "Activate a plan that suits your needs", "activate_subscription": "Activate your paid subscription now and continue using MIAbogado.", "active": "Active", "actual": "", "actual_account": "Current account", "actual_passw": "You must enter your current password", "add-domain": "Add domain", "alerts_active": "Activate email sending of file alerts", "alerts_docs": "Alerts for updated documents", "application": "Application", "application_country": "Applicability Country", "apps_associated": "Associated applications", "associate-partner": "Associate partner", "associate_user": "Associate user and account", "associated_model": "Associate model", "authorize-domain": "Authorize", "authorize-sentence": "", "authorize-title": "", "available_credit": "Available MIAbytes", "available_miabytes": "Have MIAbytes available to consult, draft, or review legal documents", "benefits_of_improving_subscription": "What do you gain by improving your subscription?", "bonos-description": "Activate a bonus to have extra MIAbytes with your subscription. The bonus will only be consumed each time you exhaust your subscription limit.", "buy-vouchers_1": "Have you used up all your MIAbytes?", "buy-vouchers_2": "Activate a voucher to get extra additional MIAbytes with your subscription.", "buyed-vouchers-table": { "credits_consumed": "MIAbytes consumed", "purchased_date": "Date of purchased" }, "cancel": "Cancel", "cant_active": "User cannot be activated, user limit has been reached", "change_account_1": "Change in current account", "change_account_2": "The page with the new account data will be restarted", "change_password": "Change Password", "configuration": "Configuration", "confirm_password": "Confirm Password", "consumedCredit": "MIAbytes spent", "contact": "Contact us", "credit-vouchers": "Vouchers", "credits_historic": "MIAbytes history", "criterias": "Criteria", "current": "Current", "data_account": "Account Data", "data_from": "Data from", "data_user": "User Data", "date_creation": "Creation date", "date_last": "Last Analysis Date", "deactivate": "Deactivate", "deactivate_account": "Deactivate account", "deactivate_user": "Deactivate user", "delete_account": "Deactivating an account causes all users whose primary account is the same to be deactivated. You will lose access to your data. This action cannot be revoked. Are you sure?", "demon_actived": "Demon activated", "different_passw": "Different passwords", "doc_month": "Documents created month", "doc_month_course": "Doc. Month Course", "doc_total": "Documents created total", "domain": "Domains", "domain-authorize-sentence": "To authorize the domain {{domain}} we will redirect you to the Microsoft authentication portal. Remember that to verify the use of a domain you must have an account with permissions on {{domain}}", "domain-authorize-title": "Authorize domain", "domain-deleted": "Domain deleted", "domain-deleting": "Deleting domain ...", "domain-explication": "To allow delegated authentication in Microsoft O365, it is necessary to first save and then authorize the domain. To authorize a domain you must authenticate with Microsoft with a business-type account with the same domain that is being authorized", "domain-not-valid": "The domain {{domain}} cannot be saved because it is not a valid domain (@xxx.xxx)", "domain-saved": "Domain saved", "domain-saving": "Saving domain ...", "domain_active": "Enable authentication using Microsoft Azure AD", "domain_role": "Default role for new users", "domains": "Domains", "domains-not-valid": "Unable to save account. There is some invalid domain ({{domains}}) (@xxx.xxx)", "editing_account": "Editing account...", "editing_partner": "Editing partner...", "editing_user": "Editing user...", "email_owner": "Email responsible for the subscription", "error-custom-subscription-generic": "An error occurred during this subscription operation", "error-domain-generic": "An error occurred during this domain operation", "error-domain-other-account": "You cannot save the domain because it belongs to another company.", "error_1": "A non-active account cannot be the primary or current account", "error_2": "An unassociated account cannot be the primary or current account", "error_domain": "But the domains {{domains}} have not been saved as they belong to another account.", "error_editing": "Error editing user", "error_last_exec": "Error fetching last execution", "error_passw": "Password does not match", "expert_mode": "Expert Mode", "experts": "", "explanation": "When establishing a manual MIAbytes limit for Enterprise accounts, this limit will be applied until the end of use of the account. In the case of Professional or Teams subscriptions, the manual limit established will be automatically deleted when the next refresh is performed from stripe, since data received from stripe takes priority.", "explanation-expert-mode": "In expert mode MIA will respond in a more technical and detailed way.", "finishDate": "Finish date", "five_credits": "MIAbytes added", "ia_models": "Configure IA models", "info-subscription01": "You can manage your subscription from the 'Manage subscription' button located on the right of this screen. In order to identify you, your email address used for payments at MIAbogado will be requested.", "info-subscription02": "From here you can activate a new plan or change to another plan if you want to improve or reduce it, consult and change payment information, consult the payment history of your subscription or consult and download invoices.", "info_password": "Make sure the password is correct", "info_passwords": "Make sure the new password and confirm password are the same", "initDate": "Init date", "insuficient-miabytes": "Insuficient MIABytes", "invalid_passw": "Invalid password", "invalid_user": "Invalid user'", "lang_interface": "Account Language", "last_date_login": "Last login date", "last_login": "Last login user", "limit": "Limit", "limit_company": "Company MIAbytes limit", "limit_company_user": "Company user limit", "limit_credits": "Limit MIAbytes", "loading_data": "Loading data ...", "main": "Main", "main_account": "Main Account", "main_account_2": "Main account", "manage_subscription": "Manage subscription", "management_1": "Activate a new plan or switch to another plan if you want to improve or reduce it.", "management_2": "View and change payment details", "management_3": "Check the payment history in my subscription", "management_4": "View and/or download invoices", "matter": "Matter", "max_show_account": "Only 10 accounts are shown. Search for the account through the search engine", "name_account": "Account name", "name_partner": "Partner name", "new_password": "New Password", "no-subscription": "You don't have any actived subscription", "not_allowed_2": "The main or current account must always be associated", "not_partner": "The user's current account does not have a partner. Check with your administrator", "num_criterias": "Maximum Number of Criteria", "one_credit": "1 Credit - Model purchase", "options": "Options", "organization_name": "Organization name", "partner_data": "Partner data", "partner_edited": "The partner has been edited", "payment_data": "Consult and change payment data", "payment_history": "Consult the payment history in my subscription", "point_1": "Access your payment account using the 'Manage subscription' button, in order to identify yourself you will be asked to use your email address for payments in MIAbogado.", "point_2": "What steps can I take?", "prod": "Prod", "purchased-vouchers": "Purchased vouchers", "recive_comm": "Receive commercial communications", "reload-custom-subscription": "MIAbogado will be restarted to apply the changes", "saving-custom-subscription": "Saving subscription changes...", "search": "", "search_account": "Search for an associated account", "show_more": "See more", "subscription_data": "Subscription data", "subscription_improve": "Do you want to improve your subscription?", "surname": "Surname", "suscripction_data": "Subscription data", "suscriptions": "Suscriptions", "title_manage": "How do I manage my subscription?", "total_doc": "Total Doc", "type": "Type", "user": { "mailstatus": "Email status: ", "mailstatus-confirmed": "Confirmed", "mailstatus-expired": "Expired", "mailstatus-notconfirm": "To be confirmed", "mailstatus-sentence": "Resend mail" }, "userLimit": "User limit", "user_account": { "error-custom-subscription-generic": "An error occurred during this subscription operation" }, "user_account_id": "ID account", "user_edited": "The user has been edited", "user_not_actived": "The user is not active", "users": "Users", "usersCreated": "Created users", "users_config": "User configuration", "vouchers-table": { "credits": "MIAbytes", "description": "Description", "name": "Name", "price": "Price" } }, "utils": { "months": { "0": { "full": "January", "short": "Jan" }, "1": { "full": "February", "short": "Feb" }, "2": { "full": "March", "short": "Sea" }, "3": { "full": "April", "short": "Abr" }, "4": { "full": "May", "short": "May" }, "5": { "full": "June", "short": "Jun" }, "6": { "full": "July", "short": "Jul" }, "7": { "full": "August", "short": "Ago" }, "8": { "full": "September", "short": "Sep" }, "9": { "full": "October", "short": "Oct" }, "10": { "full": "November", "short": "Nov" }, "eleven": { "full": "December", "short": "Dec" } } }, "view-error-payment": { "navigate-checkout-button": "Update Subscription", "sub-title": "Please update your subscription", "title": "Error processing subscription" }, "view-process-actived": { "button_continue": "Start working with MIAbogado", "button_continue_voucher": "Continue to MIAbogado", "title": "Your subscription has been successfully activated", "title_voucher": "Your voucher has been successfully activated" }, "view-process-payment": { "title": "Processing subscription..." }, "webchat": { "experts": "Experts", "search": "Search..." }, "yes": "Yes" }